Saturday 21 May 2011

mortal kombat 9 characters pictures

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  • milozauckerman
    Jul 13, 11:16 AM
    So Dell has a system with dirt-cheap CPU and that vaunted Dell-"designed" case for under $1000. And you are now expecting to get an Apple-system with kick-ass case and considerably more expensive CPU with just $200 extra?

    Well, well, some wicked-awesome case design is what matters most! Is it tough to say that with a straight face?

    Isn't this just the wannabe design-snob version of l33t kiddos outfitting their computers with neon and other assorted garbage?

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  • danielwsmithee
    Sep 12, 04:10 PM
    Seems to me this could be done without Apple having to open up Front Row. If Elgato added some sort of "export recording to iTunes Video Library" option (that also deletes the original file after export completes), you could have your stuff recording on your mac and ready to stream to iTV. I'd imagine you could also set up some sort of Smart Playlist in iTunes to show unwatched recordings that carries over to the iTV interface.It's already there they call it export to iPod.

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 20, 06:16 PM
    This is becoming more true, but historically hasn't been the case. Fortunately Microsoft eventually learned its lessons from Slammer and the like.

    Once you use Windows, you are doing something stupid :D
    Well not really, I guess if you want a computer that is cheap and weak, you can get a Windows computer.

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  • ekwipt
    Apr 12, 11:31 PM
    Final Cut X looks amazing

    I think everyone's got the one click colour correcting thing wrong, it will be great for documentaries or reality TV when you have different format cameras shot by cameramen and producers who may not be exceptional camera operators. You'll be able to cut everything on the timeline and roughly colour correct the shots so they look good for your first edit. It will basically do away with the "Color Corrector 3-way" tool and I'm guessing you'll be able to fine adjust the correction with an interface similar to it.

    This event was for Final Cut X, I'm hoping they'll be updating the other apps in the suite and release them on the app store.

    I'm thinking FCX will turn into another plugin revenue stream for Apple, something they didn't talk about it in the conference. So you may log on to an Apple Pro store and download plugins from different manufacturers an Apple will take a 10% or so cut on everything. So there will be Logic X and when you download an AU component they'll take a cut, when you download a new FX plugin they'll take a cut.

    so maybe Color will be integrated into final Cut X but you'll buy it as a plugin of sorts that will be hosted in Final Cut X.

    I think Soundtrack Pro will be turfed and Logic X will have it's features built into it.

    Blackmagic Design and AJA might come up with a new Log and Capture tool for their capture cards and you won't be sitting waiting for thing to capture you'll be able to edit as they are capturing.

    I don't use DVD Studio Pro and believe it will o away, everything is streamed over the net now anyway. Vimeo, Youtube etc

    Have you checked out Sendoid? Studios will be using this more and more to send each other files, no more uploading with YouSendIt or DropBox.

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  • doctor pangloss
    Oct 24, 04:32 PM
    In three years they will have something much better, might as well wait!:p

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 12, 11:33 AM
    have to agree with Manik and generik,

    Doesn't make business sense to hold out the Macbook with just Yonah when all the other companies will be filling their 13.3/14 laptops with 64bit Meroms as soon as possible. Apple has to compete with the other companies now, and if it doesn't fill Macbook with Merom, it doesnt have a small laptop with latest specs - while its competitors will.

    Unless they introduce a smaller Macbook Pro which no one is suggesting. Makes business sense to throw the same price Merom into the Macbook.

    Could someone please explain, other than this 'we must make some distinction' between MB and MBP (which already exists) why apple wouldn't put in Meroms into the Macbook asap?I wholeheartedly agree. It's just a question of how soon Apple will pull the trigger on the switch to Merom in mini and MacBook not if they will. I'm not sure Apple thinks they are competing with PC specs yet. But what's the upside to sticking with Yonah in anything until next year? I don't get it. Aren't we better off in the long run retiring Yonah ASAP?

    Is it:

    1. Low Supply of Meroms until next year?
    2. Lower Cost of Yonahs until next year?

    Am I out of line for not believing either of the above? I can't understand Apple not wanting to lose Yonah as soon as they can. I don't see anyone buying a different model because one is Yonah and another is Merom. MacBooks are way too different from MacBook Pros in many other ways than their processor's speed and 32/64 bitness. :confused:

    I'm confused for now. Maybe we're being too pessimistic about Apple's willingness to drop Yonah ASAP. :confused:

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  • Quobobo
    Mar 18, 06:46 PM
    It's almost like you were planning of going online to one of the illegal music sharing sites, documenting your activities, and then sending that information directly to the RIAA with your name and address with a note asking them to prosecute.

    Except with one key difference: you're paying for the music. If you can buy a CD and rip it to any format you like, why should you have to have DRM on files you (legally) download? This is why I never use online download sites, I don't understand why I should pay for files that are inferiour to what I can download for free. When I pay for music, I'd rather buy a CD that doesn't have any DRM.

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  • Phat Elvis
    Sep 12, 04:07 PM
    There's no need for DVR functionality. Apple will replace your cable subscription. You just subsribe to the shows you want and al la carte other shows after that. Networks will probably even do the season premieres free to get you hooked or add sponsor the shows to make them free. TV on demand is obviously the next wave - even the cable companies know it and have on demand etc. I mean not to be racist but I'm happy to stop paying comcast for the 10+ stations that are in languages I don't even speak. I barely speak english - hahaha.

    In conclusion - its the same data - just different timing.

    I totally agree with this. This is the perfect device for Apple to start selling subscriptions to shows to replace cable. A la cart cable legislation is picking up steam and this will put iTunes in the cable business. Think about how many households have iPods, now compare that number to the HUGE number of houses that have cable. Wouldn't you rather pay for only the shows that you watch?

    The think that worries me is that there is no mention of this device being able to play non-iTunes movies. What about if you back up a DVD to your computer. Can you play it on this? We'll have to wait and see.

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  • G58
    Feb 17, 05:45 AM
    That is pretty delusional talk right there. The iPhone is I can tell you that I like the iPhone UI better but that is where it ends. The droid marketplace is better or will become better (mostly because it is open source). I have already seen some apps that do a better job than their counterpart on the iPhone. Now don't get me wrong, the App Store has SO MANY more choice but it wouldn't surprise me if this quickly changes. The Android Marketplace is still relatively new....

    It's a bit rich calling people delusional and then coming out with with wish list statements as if they're bound in volumes of 'The Future History of Smartphones vol ll'

    The Android market has potential, but only for as long as lazy phone manufacturers, who have never learned how to do operating systems and software, are happy to grab a freebie. This situation is the same as you or me going to a fair and picking up a free dev copy of some new software... and then running a business off its capabilities. No license fee! That's the attraction.

    The saved costs derived from having much lower in-house dev costs and shorter route to market make Android a gift. But not without major issues. CylonGlitch [above] makes this very valid point:

    "... as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, . . . "

    "How the heck is a developer supposed to support that many different devices? Even if there were 5 different screen resolutions, it would be hard to optimize your app for each. Now different RAM configurations, different CPU's, different everything, OUCH."

    It's a ludicrous state of affairs. A wet dream for the armchair geek maybe, but for the non geek buyer, the proposition is entirely different. It already gives me a headache just thinking about it.

    With the iPhone, Apple have demonstrated one of the oldest marketing principles still holds true in the 21st Century. If you give people three models to choose from with two colour options, you make the proposition simpler.

    But all other manufacturers are still depending on the old marketing model of offering a bewildering array of models to try and catch the entire market. Now, that model has failed already - because it doesn't work. The market is automatically diluted. So why are they still using it?

    speedriff [also above] has decided Steve Jobs is a "douche" because he's being "hardheaded" over Flash, while "Other manufacturers are giving AMOLED screens and are getting better and better."

    Apple make more profit from all their products than anyone else. One way they do this is by waiting until they can demand a very high proportion of a large enough production of a component [NAND flash memory, screens etc] at the most competitive price, or can manufacture in-house [CPUs]. That's not just good business, it's vital for long term survival.

    Wait until June this year and we'll see the new iPhone with a longer [HD aspect ratio] OLED screen. And HTML5 is the future. in reality, Adobe are better candidates for the 'douche' epithet here. If Flash had fewer issues, maybe Apple would add it.

    What you need to understand is that Apple is better at seeing, predicting and exploiting the WHOLE picture, than any other company in this game. And anyone who seriously thinks a disparate group of not for profit developers and a market full of lazy manufacturers with a 19th Century sales mentality are going to win this one, is simply not even looking at it properly.

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  • Mord
    Jul 13, 11:00 AM
    the single xeon configs i was refering to were netburst based ones.


    a pair of 512 sticks for woodcrest is 200 bucks (FB-dimm 4200)

    a pair of 512 sticks for conroe is about 140 bucks (ddr2 5300)

    thus the 60 buck retail difference translates to about a 35-40 buck difference in bulk apple prices.

    a 2.4GHz conroe costs $316

    a 2.33GHz woodcrest costs $455

    $139 difference, to apple allot less probably about 50 or so due to the huge discounts they will be getting from intel (and don't tell my the bulk 1000 prices are the discounts as they are nearly identical to newegg prices)


    their are not too many of these about so their is rather a mark up

    350 bucks for woodcrest

    250 bucks for a 975X

    again to apple the difference is allot less about 20 bucks manufacturing, their is a huge mark up mobo's are just printed out. for apple the difference will only be in the chipset and maybe extra ram slots if they made two

    i was a bit off in the cpu price difference, but thats the one part which apple will get for the best price.

    selling SMP rigs with one cpu is commonplace as it gives a low entry price, to make a whole SKU is just silly.

    apple tried the powermac mini as it were and you did not buy it, it was called the g4 cube.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 13, 03:40 PM
    We don't need nuclear, or coal or oil for that matter.

    A large (think 100milesx100miles) solar array in death valley for example, could power the entire Continental US.

    That would destroy the local ecology (yes, there IS ecology there) as well as a number of historical and archaeological sites, and obliterate native-owned lands that provide subsistence in the form of pine nuts and springs among other things. There is nowhere in the US were a 100x100mi solar array would be acceptable.

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  • redkamel
    Apr 10, 12:13 AM
    Problems I had
    1. File structure: no more program files and all that stuff. Programs are programs and are 99% contained in their little icon. However, it took time to realize that only the icon in the Application folder is the actual program. It was a little confusing when I had stuff poofing and dissapearing and being dragged to the menu bar. Anything that poofs is actually a shortcut, just find the "real thing" in Applications or the Home folder and you can drag it back. Nothing is deleted unless it is trashed. I'll tell you, the poofs had me freaked out a few times.

    2. Many programs want you to manage files from within programs. Itunes does not want you organizing music folders. It wants you to organize in itunes. iphoto is the same. You just have to let go of folder management...except for documents. Its a hard habit to break. Let the programs do the organization.

    3. I had to find new software for some activities. All of it was much better and higher quality that its windows counterparts.

    4. Its hard to learn where all the preferences are. You also have to turn things on, like "right click". after that its a breeze. "Get info" on files is also useful for associating programs with files and such.

    5. Sorting out which Apple-interface stuff was useful to me. Coverflow is stupid, Quicklook is great. Widgets are silly, but highlighting files (under "get info) is awesome. Things like that.

    Solutions to peoples problems I saw earlier

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  • Roy
    Oct 21, 12:32 PM
    Anyone know anything about these suppliers, other than Crucial Technology?

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  • pinchez
    Apr 13, 07:19 AM
    Wow all this fuss over a piece of software, It's not a hardware or even a OS release :confused:

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  • javajedi
    Oct 11, 11:34 PM
    Originally posted by gopher

    Maybe we have, but nobody has provided compelling evidence to the contrary.

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  • macwannabe
    Oct 13, 11:19 AM
    Saying that the 2.8GHz P4 is no good because it is based on 25 year old architecture is nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

    Can I take it then that you don't think that any of the cars on the market at the moment are worth having or have been improved at all on the grounds that they are based on an 80 year old design? "I don't think that BMW is any good as it is based on a Ford model T", hmmmmmmmm dodgy logic methinks.

    mortal kombat 9 characters pictures. say about Mortal Kombat 9
  • say about Mortal Kombat 9

  • Phil A.
    Aug 29, 04:00 PM
    Well that's more to do with Blair being uninformed and making decisions because he likes to sound better than he is. If Blair hadn't been a pillock and stuck to the realistic, achievable timeline that everyone else stuck to, then it would have been achievable. Why he said we'd double those targets is beyond most people except the monkey labour spin doctor that suggested it.

    What the Greenpeace report is saying, is that Apple don't even have a strategy (timeline) for restricting material use (bar legal restrictions) and that is a black mark for the company when compared to a company that does. it's doing what it has to do, not what it should be doing if it wants to be considered the best. Dell is similar to this but is further along.

    This is also related to Apple's almost nazi-like paranoia about secrecy which is harming its reputation on several fronts.

    As has already been asked on this thread, why couldn't Apple release details of all the materials is uses or equivalent detail to other manufacturers? Why couldn't it be pro-active and understand the impact it could have (like putting it up at the top of this report)? perhaps because it's not actually as all conquering/superior and clever as it likes people to think?

    I completely agree that a company that has a timeline for implementing change should be marked higher than one that says "we'll do it" but gives no dates. I still maintain, however, that companies should not be given full marks until they've actually delivered on their promises - at the present moment neither company is actually doing anything to protect the environment in those areas

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  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 10:27 PM
    Can you use nuclear warheads to disperse a tsunami?

    With today's high yeild nuclear bombs, given enough time, can you detonate a nuke to vaporize/disperse the ripple of a tsunami? I know one tactic of fleet warfare is like to vaporize the water under the ships to make them "fall" or something like that.

    I mean, I don't know how many megatons this will take or how much of the tsunami will be vaporized and sent up into the air, but maybe at some point it will reduce the force and profile of the incomming wave? :)

    All you would do is create another Tsunami (as well as considerable fallout problems).Tsunamis in the ocean are by and large only a few centimetres in height but travel at about 500 mph when thy come to the shelfs near land all that energy is compressed going from a few centimetres to 30 metres or so the force of which destroys pretty much everything that isn't rock in it's path.

    ( I must go to bed I can't believe I posted a reply to that)

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  • mortal kombat 9 characters ps3

  • aswitcher
    Jul 13, 07:36 AM
    I can see the iMac getting a makeover. The switch to intel was a rush job in my mind, and I think they are working on a modified shell to better cope with components and heat for a faster intel line for the next few years.

    Apr 23, 12:43 AM
    No one is concluding that there was a single "bang," and I'm certainly not conflating anything. "Bang" is a metaphor, and no one is relating it to the "origin of life." You're trying inflate your own ego and place your "scientific literacy" on display here by arguing a point that no one is questioning.

    It certainly seems that you are questioning the point.

    You raised the point that it is/was illogical for me to believe that the life and the universe appeared in a sudden "bang". And you claimed that such a belief could not be possibly based in logic :rolleyes:.

    Of course I never purported to believe any such thing, rather you simply implied that this is what I believe.

    In my original post I never claimed to understand or remotely fathom how the universe and life came to exist. But the fact that I do not know how our universe came to be has very little baring on this conversation.

    I have very little understanding of how the computer I am currently using ACTUALLY works. Yet work it does, it does not work through the grace of god but rather through marvels of modern engineering and achievements in scientific understanding.

    Your god of the gaps is simply a dark room waiting for someone to turn on the light.

    Mar 25, 03:49 PM
    You have to prove the rights existed in the first place otherwise I could argue the government is denying my right to drive a tank

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    Why should we have to prove that we have the right to be married? Either we all are allowed or none of us should be allowed. Why are you more important than I am? Why should you be allowed to get married and I can't?

    And your lost sheep comment is exactly what is wrong with the Catholic view. We aren't lost and we certainly don't need to change our ways based on archaic principals and hypocrisy.

    The Vatican needs to clean it's own house and stay out of mine.

    Aug 29, 12:29 PM
    I have to say, I am APPALLED by the irresponsible attitude of some people on this forum (and probably the world). Businesses, corporations, governments, AND individuals should all be behaving in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This is in no way "anti-progress". When did you all gain the right to be so selfish, self-centred, and bigoted in your beliefs?

    Are you really surprised? The Apple FAN BOYS won't ever see the light. Whatever Apple does is simply RIGHT for them, even if it means killing the world.


    Apr 23, 12:34 AM
    Unchecked in what sense of the word "unchecked?"

    Not checked for efficiency or flaws.

    Apr 26, 01:15 PM
    The deal with religious people is to ignore them if you disagree.

    I'm a devout (pun intended) atheist and find the entire notion of a "higher being" absolutely ridiculous.

    HOWEVER! I do let religious people practice their religion in peace. An anecdote I tell people goes like this.

    I had a friend whose mother was dying of cancer. She prayed to her god and that gave her hope and comfort. SHe believed that her prayers helped her mom and even I didn't try to defy her. It gave her strength and no matter how ridiculous it was, I was happy that it helped her cope.

    tl;dr - Practice religion, but don't bother me with it.

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