Saturday 21 May 2011

love you more jls album cover

love you more jls album cover. U2 Announced More 360 Tour
  • U2 Announced More 360 Tour

  • dscuber9000
    Mar 24, 06:46 PM
    When your moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature are bigoted and wrong, yes, we will attack you. Get used to it because that is the direction the world is moving, like it or not.

    love you more jls album cover. world to cover their new,
  • world to cover their new,

  • SPUY767
    Mar 18, 02:39 PM
    That when you do things like this, it hurts apple. Apple has a market to protect. If people keep doing this enough until the RIAA gets pissed and won't let apple sell music any more. It's just like complaining that apple hass had to change their DRM policies. It's not apple that is doing it, it's pressure from the Recording Industry. Apple has to walk an extremely fine line, and they do a goo djob of it, so those folks need to lighten up.

    love you more jls album cover. What do you think?
  • What do you think?

  • CrAkD
    Mar 18, 01:09 PM
    Woohoo I switched from my 1st gen wifi iPad with mywi on my iPhone to a 3G iPad 2 just in time.

    love you more jls album cover. Snoop+dogg+album+artwork
  • Snoop+dogg+album+artwork

  • D4F
    Apr 28, 09:19 AM
    Tablets like the iPad, Xoom, G-Slate, heck, even smartphones like the iPhone, Droid, Incredible, etc.. are all lower case "pc"s. As in, they are computers that are personal. They aren't upper case PCs, as in IBM PC compatible.

    Servers based on Intel architecture processors like the C7000 chassis blades are not lower case "pc"s, as in, they aren't personal computer systems. They are servers (also why are we talking about servers here ? Is there even any evidence Catalyst is including those in HP's and Dell's numbers ? I doubt they are...). They are however (again, the Intel variant) upper case PCs, as in IBM PC compatible .

    PC (Personal Computer) is an architecture defined in the 80s by IBM. pc is a personal computer. Learn the difference boys and girls.

    Should the Tablet sales be included in charts like these ? I don't think so, this is just a very pro Apple analyst group trying to make it look like Apple is having more success in a segment they have usually lagged a bit in (though in which they are still showing quite the growth and beating expectations without the iPad).

    The hardware components in a server go through much more testing for reliability. They are meant to work 24/7.

    Pretty much what you get is same stuff with better components/materials and etc. Does BMW differ any from FORD? Not really but in general what's believed they use better stuff.

    Same thing with PCs. Server it's just a nice window for companies like Dell to put a higher $$ tag on it. What consumer gets is better warranty and USUALLY less power simply to prevent overheating issues that arise from long term continous usage.

    I use server chips in my home PC for that exact reason. They are no different but "should" last longer and that is why I spend extra $$ on them.

    Just a term.

    *nice article that points few differences between a xeon and a Core 2 Quad.

    love you more jls album cover. spears toxic album cover.
  • spears toxic album cover.

  • HBOC
    Mar 11, 01:34 AM
    Also the time of day there.. after 3pm..

    love you more jls album cover. More » middot; 18 Leave a Comment
  • More » middot; 18 Leave a Comment

  • spazzcat
    Mar 18, 09:06 AM
    Big Thumbs up AT&T. I am glad they are just taking it to enroll people into the 2gig plan and add tethering, saves people the trouble of having to do it themselves!

    love you more jls album cover. JLS Have #39;Sixty New Songs#39; For
  • JLS Have #39;Sixty New Songs#39; For

  • ChrisA
    Sep 12, 04:55 PM
    As fas as wouldn't I rather pay for only the shows I watch? Sure! But Apple's current pricing is much to prohibitive. It's cheaper for me to pay $50 a month for DirecTV with the HD option than to pay $2 a pop

    So you must watch more than 25 TV shows a month? Man what "time sink". At $2 a pop I'd be out maybe $6 per month. That's reasonable. What I would like to do is export from Final Cut to iTunes so I can watch it on the large screen. Currently I would have to burn a DVD and "sneaker net" the disc to the TV, watch it then re-cut, re-burn, re-sneakernet..... This should be usful to anyone who owns a video camera.

    This should also help sell a lot of large RAID systems and then you will need another large storage system so "Time Machine" can automatically make those backup copies

    love you more jls album cover. britney spears toxic album
  • britney spears toxic album

  • gnasher729
    Jul 12, 01:31 PM
    How much hotter would a MacBook Pro be with a single Woodcrest?
    Why not Woodcrest for entire PRO line?

    Please please please read through a few of the Merom / Conroe / Woodcrest thread. Using a single Woodcrest in _any_ machine is pure idiocy; chipsets are a few hundred dollars more expensive, hotter and not one bit faster than Conroe at the same clockspeed.

    And using Conroe in a portable computer would be a highly questionable move. It uses twice the power of Merom at the same clockspeed and performance. It is a bit cheaper, but Apple would spend much more money for having to use much bigger batteries and a much more powerful cooling system. Macbook and Macbook Pro are really quiet if you use not more than about half their performance; at full performance the fans are quite noisy. With a Conroe chip, you would have the full noise at medium speed; Conroe running at full speed would make one hell of a noise and empty your batteries within minutes.

    love you more jls album cover. tom brock i love you more and
  • tom brock i love you more and

  • I'mAMac
    Aug 29, 04:07 PM
    You know what I hate about crap like this?

    People read it, and then point their respective (washed in soap with chemical additives and toxins) fingers at Appple, because it makes them feel good. "Yeah, this Apple stuff is crap!"

    Then they go drive a block down the street to get milk from a cow who's waste runoff pollutes the local river, sit down and watch their TV with power generated from a coal-spewing power plant while eating dinner from plastic packaging that came from oil that was refined at a plant that contaminates the environment.

    Unless you live on an uninhabited island, catch all your own food and generate your own power, you have no room to talk. None of us do.
    I actually produce some of my own food. but it doesnt matter. Im not pointing fingers we are all the problem. If Greenpeace REALLY wants to make a difference they should actually do something instead of sitting back and say how anti-environment everyone is. and people should try to make use of other sources of energy. I forget town it was but somewhere in Minnesota, a man discovered that if he took cattails(not real cat tails, the kind you find near a lake) and compress them into small pellets he could use them to power his house. Later on he found that enough of them could power his town. I dont know how he did it i'll google it. but people should be doing things like that, innovation and utilization.
    EDIT: just found out that they do make energy with them but it wont last that long. idk i guess there isnt enough :(

    love you more jls album cover. vanessa hudgens v cover
  • vanessa hudgens v cover

  • Cutwolf
    Mar 18, 01:35 PM
    There are quite a lot of people in this thread who sound like AT&T employees trying to add to the scare tactics.

    The cheapest and most efficient way for AT&T to "detect" tethering would be to monitor data usage and accuse high data users. They anticipate a lot of them will be uneducated and believe they have really been caught and switch to the official tethering plan (losing their unlimited, which I believe is AT&T ultimate goal here), or will simply ignore the text and they can automatically switch them, accomplishing the same thing.

    If AT&T accuses you, and you refuse to switch to the new plan and claim you're not tethering, and they switch you anyway, you'd almost certainly be entitled to cancel with no ETF, legally at least. Particularly if they refused to do anything more than say "we suspect you are tethering" without providing any support.

    To be fair, AT&T contract does say they can modify or terminate your account if the simply believe you are tethering, but no court would hold that belief, without a legitimate basis, is grounds for modification or termination, and it's hard to believe that 20 gb of data usage in a month would be a legitimate basis for that belief (those who are reaching ridiculous numbers like 50+ might be a different story.

    My take (law student with no tech background): if they accuse you and send you the message, call them and play dumb and say you do a lot of streaming. If they buy it, great. If they end up switching you anyway, or forcing you to switch, you can presumably get out of the contract with no ETF. If this fails, and you have money to blow to prove a point, you can probably seek an injunction preventing AT&T from altering your contract, or a declaratory judgment that the contract permits you to get out of it without an ETF in this circumstance.

    Odds are that AT&T would be unlikely to show up for any lawsuit filed by an individual over a few hundred bucks, which would entitle you to both the ETF and your legal fees.

    Granted, I'm a student not yet a practitioner, so all of this should be taken with several grains of salt. Additionally, none of this should be construed to constitute legal advice.

    love you more jls album cover. taylor
  • taylor

  • c.hilding
    Oct 26, 08:55 PM
    Noone has mentioned the FSB concerns yet, which is weird.

    The earliest discussions about the new 8-cores (2x 4-core chipsets) suggested that 1333MHz was way too little to supply 8 cores with constant data flow, and that it would prevent the CPUs from reaching their full potential, making the FSB the bottleneck.

    Newer reports, including quotes by Intel employees, suggest that each 4-core chip is not going to reach more than a maximum of 1600MHz FSB, and that 1333MHz FSB will be the practical operating rate. However, since as far as I can tell, that rate is for just for ONE 4-core chipset, and Apple is going to cram TWO into the Mac Pro, this could spell disaster.

    So Apple really need to figure out the right FSB rate. I wonder what will unfold. I'd hate to see them use an underpowered FSB. :eek:

    Happy Halloween!

    love you more jls album cover. selena gomez who says album
  • selena gomez who says album

  • NT1440
    Apr 24, 06:50 PM
    Most Islamic countries are not inhabitable by homosexuals or religious minorities, your mileage may vary.

    The biggest muslim population right now is Indonesia, and they tried banning Christians from using Allah to describe their God. They're also trying to ban the Ahmadiyah sect...

    I don't think France or Britain are responsible for Iran's strict implementation of Islamic law and ruthless persecution of dissidents, and to claim that they are responsible is insulting to Muslims because it implies they're far too reactionary to deal with anything using Reason. Just like people who want to ban qur'an burnings and blasphemy because they're afraid of how muslims might react. Are Muslims animals who are so easily goaded? No, they're human beings so they should be expected to act responsibly and not go on rampages at the slightest provocation.
    @ the underlined: It's almost like I couldn't even see you move the goalposts :rolleyes:

    As for your rant at the end, you've completely missed my point, then used your very own to rant against with your twisted logic. In fact, it was the same exact tactic I was laughing hysterically (in a morbid way) about listening to Hannity in the car last night.

    Have fun with your misunderstandings.

    love you more jls album cover. Way Official Album Cover
  • Way Official Album Cover

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 01:03 PM
    You only NEED a computer one time for an iPad. After that you can never hook it up to another machine again. So if you don't have a computer at home, have Apple set up your new iPad at the Apple store and you have a true post-PC device.

    OK, that's an extreme example since we all do have computers at home already, and it is nice to back up your iPad at least some time. But with cloud computing coming very quickly in the Apple world, soon you won't even need to plug in that iPad even once. It will be done over the air, and then all the naysayers will understand what we are talking about when we say we are living in the post-PC world.

    love you more jls album cover. Rihanna#39;s album cover for 5th
  • Rihanna#39;s album cover for 5th

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 10:12 AM
    To the end user it makes no difference. It's fine if you know, but to a novice quickly correcting them on the difference between a virus, a trojan, or whatever else contributes approximately zero percent towards solving the problem.

    I'd say a social engineering attack is worse than a virus, because social engineering attacks succeed far more often than viruses do. Glass is half full.

    I have no idea how this is relevant to anything I've brought up. "I agree."

    From one of your posts:

    The vast majority of users don't differentiate between "virus", "trojan", "phishing e-mail", or any other terminology when they are actually referring to malware as "anything I don't want on my machine.

    What I am trying to say that there needs to be awareness and if a person cannot differentiate, then its his/her problem.

    love you more jls album cover. Debut album from Jessie J
  • Debut album from Jessie J

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 09:32 AM
    Personally, I think it's great. However, they should be careful. Moves like this have the potential to alienate customers. That said, props to the employees.

    big deal. The more companies who do thing like this the more those people who bullie people into the ground will no have a place to go.
    ALso makes it more socially acceptable. Hardest part is for those kids who get bullied in high school making them really understand that things do get better. This at least helps.

    love you more jls album cover. kanye west graduation album
  • kanye west graduation album

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 27, 11:23 AM
    Of course it is. Gay men don't want to be be women and lesbians don't want to be men. We weren't coddled too much by one parent or another. That NARTH garbage is just that- garbage.

    You know the answer to that. People like Bill will never see us as OK, no matter how much proof they're given. The hate us, and disguise their hate as some twisted form of "love". It's sickening.

    And why do people who believe that stuff spend so much time and effort concerning themselves with homosexuality? It obviously threatens them in some personal way. The Bible is filled with "sins" that they pay no attention to.

    love you more jls album cover. Head First - the new album by
  • Head First - the new album by

  • gnasher729
    Apr 21, 05:25 PM
    You must live in a alternate univerise if think that Apple users are tech savy. You average user is very happy to have Apple control thier experience, ie they are techtards. And frankly owning an Apple product is the best thing for them, with a PC etc they will just get themselves into trouble.

    As a professional software developer, I can assure you that among people of my profession, the majority use a Macintosh for their private use. In some related professions (product design) it's not the majority, it is everyone. And I'm not not talking about artsy-fartsy type, I am talking about designers who I seriously trust to design products that will pay for my salary for the next few years. In other related professions (QA) I have the impression that more of them use Macs, but that is more anecdotal.

    love you more jls album cover. doug stanhope album cover
  • doug stanhope album cover

  • dukebound85
    Apr 6, 12:07 PM
    One off the top of my head is that everything costs money application wise, there is very little freeware.

    Here is a nice site for freeware I have come across in the past:)

    love you more jls album cover. What do you think of Rihanna#39;s
  • What do you think of Rihanna#39;s

  • Senbei
    Jul 13, 09:54 AM
    I don't get the bubble that many Apple fans seem to live in, where Apple can short-change you with crippled hardware at premium prices (which they have done) and get away with it.
    Some of us don't live in a bubble and do understand that we pay a premium for the entire Mac experience (combination of hardware and software design as opposed to flat raw speed). That experience isn't 100% perfect but what else in life is?

    As far as the clearly delineated and simplified product stratification, many are still bound by muscle memory :D ever since Jobs collapsed Apple's once dizzying hardware line into that simple 4-grid matrix of consumer and professional (with the exception of the Cube in the past, Xserve, and the "entry level" mini).

    For me, I hope Apple breaks out of this annoying (and limiting) matrix once all of the Core 2 family are out on the table and offers maybe just a few more form factor choices (taking advantage of each processors TDP envelope in the design) as opposed to the current stratification based primarily around the prevention of product cannibilization via an imaginary consumer versus professional distinction. The good thing is we'll know Apple's plans real soon.

    Jul 14, 02:12 PM
    2003: "In 12 months, we'll be at 3GHz".
    Mid 2006: "I want to talk about 2.66GHz" although 4 cores running at 2.66GHz (Yum! :D ).

    Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 08:17 PM
    Sorry for all the posts. I seem to have more opinions and questions than usual today.

    Will it be possible for a third party software company to write a front-end client for the iTunes Music Store that plays by "the rules" (paying for purchases, allowing or applying DRM) but has other features that iTunes lacks, in a way that wouldn't be a problem for Apple?

    I'll make up an dopey example. Maybe there's a use for an auto-purchasing tool that waits for a certain time (e.g., the exact release day/time of a new tune) and then purchases the song. Must it be written by scripting iTunes or could it work standalone? Can Apple permit this without a risk to its business?

    iTunes is a cross-platform jack of all trades, for purchasing music, organizing music, playing music, handling iPods, interfacing with other iApps, etc. I think it's a very well done application, but it's a shame if the DRM issue prevents the free market from trying to produce a better mousetrap for any of these functions, including interfacing with the store, because what could be an open interface must be closed.

    Sep 26, 03:17 PM
    Man are you out of touch with reality. I have a a 2GHz DC G5 PM and a 2.5GHz Quad PM and the DC PM is a DOG for even the simplest type of stuff. You obviously have ZERO experience with a Quad Mac or you would never have written such an absurd post.No kidding. Once you've gone Quad you will NEVER want to go back to less than 4 on the floor. :DYou're wrong: I use a quad at work every day, and I have a dual (G5) at home. Unless I'm actually rendering something, I cannot detect the difference in speed. I use Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects, Final Cut Pro, and Cinema4D extensively. You people who think that a quad is helping you fly through Illustrator are full of crap, sorry. Nice delusion to have, but it's all in your head.

    EDIT: I should note that if you're doing heavy multitasking (like renders in the background), then yes, it could help. I've also played WoW while doing 3D renders in the background, and the quad is pretty nice for that (although the dual does a surprisingly good job with that situation as well -- WoW is still very playable).

    Sep 26, 12:30 AM
    What the hell am I going to do with 8 cores??? :-D

    Play WoW and CoD...... :confused:

    That's what I was thinking of ;)

    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    I'd love for Pokemon to be on iOS devices.

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