Monday 9 May 2011

Weeping Cherry Tree

Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry Tree?
  • Weeping Cherry Tree?

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 03:21 PM
    Wow! :eek:

    It's amazing how Apple keeps managing BIG updates to OS X. They are moving forward so much more efficiently than Microsoft. Not just polishing little things, but big, useful things. Not to mention some fun ones to attract consumers. I hope the advanced Spotlight features include easy boolean searching.

    And now we can all wonder about those OTHER features Steve said they are concealing for now so Microsoft can't make a halfway copy (or attempt to) yet again.

    I'm surprised res-independent UI was not discussed, but Apple has already said ( that is coming, so maybe it's just not polished enough to bother showing yet. (Or maybe it's better to show when new displays come out? Today's new low prices on Cinema Displays might hint at new displays to come later.)

    I've been asking for that background-change effect in iChat for years! Adobe Premiere could do that in the 90s, though not in realtime. Too cool!

    Now one question... A new Front Row has been mentioned, but what will it have? PVR, tuner-ready for future Macs or peripherals? At first I also wondered about ["from across the room or across the house"... But I bet they're just talking about sharing iTunes or photos from another Mac, which is old news.

    PS, congrats to MR's servers for handling the load :)

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Yoshino Cherry
  • Weeping Yoshino Cherry

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 25, 02:18 PM
    Because Apple is not tracking you. Apple does not get any of that data, they will never see or touch it. It is data that is stored locally on your phone out of reach from everyone except you. "Apple tracks you" would mean that the phone is sending the data 'home', but it doesn't. APPLE HAS NO IDEA WHERE THE F YOU ARE OR WERE (and they probably couldn't care less)

    Prove it.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry Tree
  • Weeping Cherry Tree

  • Macnoviz
    Jul 20, 05:07 PM
    Let's hope the "opposite of Hyperthreading" will come along (Leopard feature???).. So, instead of a "emulating" a Dual Core / CPU config (like on later Pentium 4's), emulate a Single CPU on multiple cores. :cool:
    Then, you get 8 * 3 GHz = 1 * 24 GHz...!!!

    I think Reverse Hyperthreading will have to be processor-bound, like Hyperthreading. Intel has its mitosis project, so let's hope that works out well!

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry Tree
  • Weeping Cherry Tree

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 7, 07:07 PM
    I have two questions.

    Do you think that one of the top secret features they didn't show was a unified interface? Because the UIs they showed looked just as hodge-podged as Tiger, ie iCal and Finder still brushed metal and Mail is still plastic. They talk about Microsoft copying Aqua, but I can't think of one app that is aqua anymore! What does Aqua look like?

    Second, did the developers get a beta of Leopard? If so, won't we be hearing about whatever top secret features they didn't show? Surely one of the 4200 is a snitch!

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry Tree
  • Weeping Cherry Tree

  • dwd3885
    Mar 31, 04:24 PM
    what is this bash apple competitors day?

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Remarkable Trees of Virginia
  • Remarkable Trees of Virginia

  • swingerofbirch
    Nov 28, 07:45 PM
    If we're already paying a royalty on blank CD-Rs because they say we are using Limewire, then aren't those of who aren't using Limewire essentially paying to use a service which we are not using?

    By my logic, if we are already compensating the music industry through our purchases, we should then be entitled to use the services I just found out from these posts that we are paying for!

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry Tree
  • Weeping Cherry Tree

  • Roto3180
    Mar 31, 04:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I also kind of thought that Google would close things off after awhile. Android is what Wonblows was in the 90s. Every Tom, Dick and Harry wrote software for it, most of it was crap but gave the belief it was superior to the Mac OS. Microshaft cracked down and eased out the bad software developers and the same thing will happen to Android. Especially since rouge developers have came about.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. A weeping cherry tree,
  • A weeping cherry tree,

  • SeattleMoose
    Mar 25, 10:40 PM
    Wasn't that "double secret golden master"? :cool:

    Weeping Cherry Tree. of Weeping Cherry Tree,
  • of Weeping Cherry Tree,

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 22, 04:50 PM
    I can assure that doubling the 256MB of the first iPad is not enough for people that need a lot of multitask, like me.

    I don't need to own an iPad 2.
    The competitors have 1GB RAM, iPad 2 has 512MB.

    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance (besides the "so wonderful OS" ad). It's been this way for Macs, it seems to be the same way for iPads.

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.
    iPhone has started a market, competitors are improving it.
    iPad has started a market, competitors are improving it.

    If you just can't recognize how multitask works better with 1GB RAM and true background apps (QNX, Honeycomb), then you deserve to use a limited thing like an iPad.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    People said that the iPhone was going to be the best phone out there, but the market is showing something different.
    People say the iPad is the best tablet out there, but it seems that the market is going to show something different.

    There are 2 sides: Apple fanboys and realistic people.

    I like products, not brands.

    The problem with having too much memory and resources available to spare, is that many programmers tend to become sloppy and careless about optimizing their code. This is one reason why Microsoft Office requires more and more RAM and CPU every time a new version is released.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. weeping cherry tree.
  • weeping cherry tree.

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 11:06 PM
    get perpendicular (

    Whoever came up with that abomination should be SHOT! UGH! they could have put together a nice little slideshow or whatever...but no, they had to make some stupid video with a horrible song i'll NEVER be able to get out of my head!

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Japanese Weeping Cherry
  • Japanese Weeping Cherry

  • bedifferent
    Apr 10, 10:42 PM
    I guess there's a lot of drama among the industry about Apple's refusal to release any kind of road map for FCP, not unlike their other products, and apparently a lot of people are starting to jump ship to Adobe's offerings. Everyone is pretty worried about this new overhaul because the guy who botched iMovie is the guy now in charge of FCP. I'm not into video editing, and I've never never used FCP or any product like it, but after hearing about all the drama and excitement surrounding this new overhaul I'm pretty stoked to see what happens.

    My friend, who is a documentary film maker, was hired by Apple as a designer working with FCP engineers. In the past, we had differing views on FCP; I believed Apple was dropping it as well as other pro-sumer based products while she thought they wouldn't.

    After recently speaking, and w/o breaking her NDA, she said she's disappointed. The project managers and engineers squabble a lot, and the designers (all almost film-makers and editors) aren't getting much input. According to her, Apple needs to fire the management and instate those focused on bringing the product to a new pro-sumer level. There appears to be a lot of mixed reviews, and that (as like Aperture) FCP is an attempt to bridge consumer and prosumer engines creating a big mess.

    We'll see.

    The guy who 'botched' iMovie is the same person that created Final Cut and continues to work on Final Cut. Randy Ubillos has been the head of Apple's video editing suites/applications for as long as I can remember.

    �and according to those close to FCP development, therein lies the issue...

    Weeping Cherry Tree. The tree, known for its famous
  • The tree, known for its famous

  • VanNess
    Aug 5, 06:54 PM
    You're right that there is "no reason to rush" except it would be awfully fun to beat Vista to market AGAIN.

    David :cool:

    Apple, in a very real sense, will beat Vista as of Monday. Microsoft execs have already gone on record recently saying that the rescheduled schedule for the revised schedule for scheduling the release of Vista now has a 20% chance of slipping. Apple, on the other hand, has earned a reputation for shipping it's OS and what it shows/promises. So what will be seen at WWDC will be as good as gold insofar as it's perception as a legitimate answer to Vista.

    Microsoft is really out of time. It has to freeze it's code for Vista and debug if it stands any chance of hitting an 07 release and maintain what's left of Microsoft's credibility - which means whatever it looks like now, that's it. So there won't be any further surprises from Microsoft, just release date suspense. From a competitive, strategic point of view, it just doesn't get any better than this for Apple.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. in the Freer and Sackler
  • in the Freer and Sackler

  • Machead III
    Sep 19, 09:59 AM
    Along with the 5-7 business days for a MacBook, it says the refurbed white ones will ship out in 30 business days... Does this mean they don't have them in stock? Or does it mean that they are having severe problems that require 30 days to fix and then ship out? I hope it means that because they will be introducing new MB and MBP, they want to hold the refurbed's so that people won't get mad cuz they are going to cut the prices on the current stock of MB to make room for the new MB Core 2 Duos. I'm hoping for a MacBook. My 2.5 year old 12" powerbook still works great, but I want to get an Intel mac, and I already have a Mac Mini, and a G5 iMac, so my Powerbook will have to go soon.

    30 days on refurbs might mean something actually...

    Any ideas?

    Weeping Cherry Tree. miniature weeping cherry tree
  • miniature weeping cherry tree

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 27, 01:51 PM
    It's neither moral nor virtuous to be against the rights of your fellow citizens. Just sayin'
    What rights: civil ones, human ones, merely legal ones, or moral ones? As I've already said, moral liberty consists of the ability to adopt the means to do the good.[/quote]

    One has to wonder why conservatives get so wrapped up in social issues when there are so many other things on the plate. Things like abortion and gays will never go away. It's just as stupid to obsess over them as it is to obsess over Obama's birth certificate. Let's fix the economy and put people back to work. Those are the real problems. Anything else is a distraction.
    I'm not obsessing about anything. Maybe abortion and gay rights will never go away. But does that mean I should stop fighting, say, abortion? Think about it, liberals. Each time a doctor aborts a baby, the government forfeits the tax revenue it would have collected from the baby if he survived, grew up, and worked. The U.S. population is aging, and too few babies are being born to maintain the country's population. Whether liberals like it or not, the government me need to shrink when there are too few taxpayers to give it the revenue it demands.

    Put nursing home patients on social programs when their families or their friends take care of them instead. As nursing home populations grow, so do tax rates. As tax rates go up, more people lose their low-paying jobs and discover that welfare gives them more money than they earned at their low-paying jobs. As more and more get welfare, taxes go up and up.

    Sure, we need to repair the economy. That's partly why we need major tax-cuts and major spending-cuts. The $38 billion is insignificant, especially when government spending offsets it.

    Tolerance isn't either approval or indifference. To tolerate something is to endure an evil to prevent a greater evil or to get a great good.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping cherry tree
  • Weeping cherry tree

  • ZildjianKX
    Aug 7, 03:51 PM
    YOU MUST BE KIDDING. Have you actually used System Restore to restore a single file? Oh that's right, you can't. All you can do it reset your system back to a point where the file existed.

    This is MUCH more powerful, and more like something users would actually want.

    System Restore is great for those times when you want to apply a system patch that could be iffy, and you are willing to "snap" a restore point, apply the patch, and roll back if something didn't fly.

    But for the normal user, it is much more useless.

    I'd also like to point out I've never actually gotten XP's system restore to work, I've tried about 10 times over the past 5 years. Maybe I'm the exception, but you really can't rely on it.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry
  • Weeping Cherry

  • calderone
    Mar 25, 10:47 PM
    This is known as a release candidate. No reason to be throwing around "Golden Master" at this point, it is clearly just confusing people.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry
  • Weeping Cherry

  • Graham King
    Apr 6, 12:01 PM
    Just want to chime in on the Blu-ray issue. I shoot weddings professionally (~$60k per year) and a majority of my clients want Blu-ray. I encode with Compressor and author with Encore. It does the job just fine but I would love for DVDSP to support Blu-ray authoring. Doing menus and buttons in Encore is a major pain in the rear and if authoring Blu-rays could be as easy as authoring DVDs in DVDSP, I will be upgrading sooner rather than later.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping cherry tree (Prunus
  • Weeping cherry tree (Prunus

  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 06:11 PM
    What I do is none of your damn business. And your opinion has no bearing on my life. Why you feel the need to tell others what to do is beyond me. Take care of your own house, let me take care of mine.

    Lee, I agree with you about what you say, but he clearly did say that this was only his opinion. People are allowed that, even if it is hateful and exclusionist.

    Weeping Cherry Tree. Weeping Cherry
  • Weeping Cherry

  • nerveosu
    Aug 7, 04:31 PM
    The star field background for Spaces was Tacky.

    Aug 11, 03:59 PM
    Only if you have an active subscription on all of them. That's the number the graph behind the link shows.
    I have three subscriptions. Two in europe, one in US. How does that count?

    Mar 31, 04:44 PM
    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

    Ah linux trolls are my favorite :rolleyes: I lost count how many times I've answered a question and/or posted on something to have the random linux guy show up and spout "Or just toss out your mac/pc and install linux on a new machine". Of course no one asked about linux.

    Jul 28, 12:50 AM
    I'm hoping for Merom news at WWDC but Fujitsu announced Merom laptops that will only be available sometime in Q4 I hope the same isn't true for the MBP.
    at least they made an announcement.

    do you think apple will try to release core 2 duo notebooks as soon as possible, before Leopard? so that once Leopard is released, more users have to buy it separately. the longer the wait, chances are there are less users that will switch from their current MBP to the new MBP knowing that Leopard's release date is soon.

    Mar 31, 07:31 PM
    true, but the smugness and self righteousness of Google fanboys are so much worse.

    HA HA. You have got to be kidding me.

    Aug 25, 04:11 PM
    Dotmac has been a HEADACHE this last year...they have lost my e-mail and webpages, and now somehow seem to be prying into my personal life!

    I was planning to buy a .mac account for e-mail , blogs through iWeb, web pages etc. I am more aware now about it.

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