Monday 9 May 2011

Emo Boys Kissing Pictures

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  • RMBootneck
    Mar 22, 07:59 PM
    1st point: It's factually inaccurate to make your first statement, as evidenced by your last statement. Kind of funny, don't you think?

    In your second statement, you are comparing all Android software-running phones to a single model/product line, the iPhone. The iPhone (each generation) has out sold any single phone model (generation) over it's life than that of any offered by any other hardware manufacturer.

    Your comparison is like saying Toyota has sold more cars than Ford has sold F-150s. That may be true, but the F-150 is still the number one selling truck in the US, even though it does not outsell the sum total of all other trucks by all other manufacturers.

    You should compare a single phone model, say Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible. You are simply talking software. Apple is primarily a hardware company that happens to make the software for its hardware. (yes, I know about FCP and other software) They do not license the iOS software to other manufacturers, so comparison to Google's OS and number of DIFFERENT phones it runs on is really irrelevant to whether any hardware manufacturer has had a more successful phone than the iPhone.
    VERY well said!

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. emo guys kissing Image
  • emo guys kissing Image

  • jpine
    Apr 25, 03:03 PM
    I dont understand how anyone would get the info from your phone.


    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo Boys Kissing - Emo Kissing
  • Emo Boys Kissing - Emo Kissing

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 02:11 PM
    Of course, had the case been deemed totally unfounded by Apple Legal and their bunch of advisors, it wouldn't have been brought to court at all.
    At the same time, if there is any chance that the case has some merit, a company will sue for sure, if points 1 and 2 above are not considered to do more damage than good.

    There is probably some merit to some of the claims, so are probably more ambitious and some are probably completely sure to get thrown out. The thing is, the more claims they throw in there the better they have a footing for eventual settlement negotiations.

    Just like you never open with your lowest price, you never open with only the claims you are 100% sure are going to win. ;)

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. emo boys kissing!
  • emo boys kissing!

  • pkson
    Apr 19, 07:15 PM
    What is the pic on the bottom? That ain't no Samsung tablet. Looks like a photoshop job.
    All Samsung tabs have SAMSUNG blazed across the top of the face.

    It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab.

    Ridiculous nit-picking. it's in Korean, but I'm sure you get the idea.

    @kdarling: look up.. up... 4 posts up.. There you go.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Hot Emo Boys Kissing
  • Hot Emo Boys Kissing

  • epitaphic
    Aug 19, 05:57 PM
    There's allready en new beta of Adobe's Lightroom, Does that one run native under on the intel machines?
    From Adobe's site:

    Will Lightroom run on Intel-based Macintoshes?

    Yes. The Macintosh version of Adobe Lightroom beta 3 is a Universal application that will run natively both on PowerPC systems and on the new Intel-based Macintoshes.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. EMO BOYS KISSING--large-msg-
  • EMO BOYS KISSING--large-msg-

  • mrkramer
    Apr 27, 02:27 PM
    First off, before the ignorant attacks begin, no I'm not a birther. I'm personally of the opinion that he was born in America and generally share the president's feelings that this is a giant waste of time.

    Sorry, but your claim that you aren't a birther is like someone who says that they have a lot of friends who are black as an excuse to then say something racist. In this post and previous posts in the PRSI, you have shown that you clearly question where Obama was born.

    That said, I don't think Obama should have released it, he has other more important things to do, and he's already proven his citizenship several times.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Sexy bitches, Emo Boys Emo Boys Kissing
  • Sexy bitches, Emo Boys Emo Boys Kissing

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 10:21 AM
    This should all go public.

    But they have worked so hard, all these decades, to diminish the "one man, one vote" to something much less than that.

    Won't you think of their children, and reconsider?


    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo Boy Kiss. EMO guys kissing
  • Emo Boy Kiss. EMO guys kissing

  • Silverfist
    Apr 25, 03:43 PM
    [QUOTE=killr_b;12458559]As a consumer, why should I be subjected to this risk which doesn't benefit me in the slightest? And why should this data be "backed up," secretly, to my computer?[QUOTE]

    Your phone stores this so as to keep from having to re-install connection locations every time you move a few hundred feet. It's "subjecting" you to better battery life by not having to work as hard to keep you connected. Oh noes.

    ...And it backs up the data for the same reason it backs up EVERYTHING when you sync -- so you can restore without losing any of the data on the phone.

    What, you want crappy battery life, slower speeds, and loss of data if you need to restore your phone?


    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo Boys in Love by ~midoban
  • Emo Boys in Love by ~midoban

  • Unspeaked
    Sep 19, 10:51 AM
    You know, Sony and Nintendo are just *SO* behind the curve with next gen gaming systems.

    Microsoft has had it's XBox 360 out for MONTHS, while Sony and Nintendo gamers are lagging behind, barely able to function on their PS2s and GameCubes.

    If Sony and Nintendo don't release the PS3 and Wii, respectively, in the next week, they'll be the laughing stocks of the industry. There's no excuse for them to release their next gen gaming systems a year after their competitor.

    I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue if I don't get what I want, because I'm childish like that.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. tattoos middot; Sexy Emo Guys!
  • tattoos middot; Sexy Emo Guys!

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:13 PM
    Isn't it amazing that so many of these XOOM owners also, coincidentally, "own" an iPad/iPad 2, or their spouse/mom/dog/significant other does?

    Either there's a lot of exaggerating (astroturfing) going on, or someone's spouse/mom/dog/significant other has a lot more sense. ;)

    Why, I own an iPad and a XOOM and a Galaxy Tab and that HP Windows 7 Slate thingy and a Nook and a prototype PlayBook and I can tell you from personal experience that the iPad is like 100x better than all of those! :rolleyes:

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. You see a cute oy stand up
  • You see a cute oy stand up

  • rovex
    Mar 22, 02:59 PM
    As has been pointed out already, "maths" is a perfectly acceptable word. Travel is an education unto itself; one which would have taught you this fact. Clearly, you're not sufficiently successful to engage in this activity.

    I'm not american, perhaps you should be utilising the 'proper' English that was invented here.

    And you're last sentence makes you look rather condescending and quite frankly a bit of a pretentious moron.

    And I'm sorry to say, I've never been to the states, but of course you make an unfounded and ignorant assertion that I have never travelled. Really, you're not doing yourself much good with that mentality you have.

    Glad that you're just showcasing your pitiful character to the rest of us.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo Boys Kissing - Emo Kissing
  • Emo Boys Kissing - Emo Kissing

  • Nuvi
    Apr 5, 10:36 PM
    Nobody's using Blu-Ray, in my experience. It's just another way of sucking money out of home consumers. Everything's done online in terms of delivery...'

    Wake up and smell the coffee... BR is the main distribution method for paid HD content in the world. Also the quality is far better then with any download service.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Sexy Emo boys Kissing
  • Sexy Emo boys Kissing

  • notjustjay
    Sep 19, 08:38 AM
    All you people who keep whining about "But I want 64 bit!!!" need to step back and think about what possible benefit a 64-bit system will give you. Those of you who need to address more than 4 gigs of RAM are excused. The rest of you, tell me WHY you need 64-bit computing.

    When they go Merom I want the MBP's and MB's to have useful, practical features. More ports, user-removable hard drive, better battery life, better video card, stuff like that. I'm waiting just as impatiently as everyone else, but the hype needs to be toned way down.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Boys Kissing
  • Boys Kissing

  • soundbwoy
    Apr 27, 10:54 AM
    Is it me or are there more idiots about. Damn it people, leave the damn tracking contro alone if I lose my phone, I want to be able to find. I'm so not in the mood to spend $600 again.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo guys kissing
  • Emo guys kissing

  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 26, 06:18 AM
    Manufacturing observation:

    Back in 1996 every major manufacturer did most of its assembly in the U.S. or Western Europe.

    Take a guess where it mainly resides now?

    People want a $1000 laptop/notebook. Back in 1996 they'd be lucky to get an DX4/100 Intel PC for $1000 by Digital, HP, Compaq, etc.

    Check this old message group Email about the Alpha Processor (Then cutting edge)

    If you think offloading manufacturing/assembly to third world countries for pennies on the dollar only gives us cheap and powerful computer to use then you really miss the boat on QA.

    You aren't going to get systems for basement prices that include Workstation reliable parts, assembly and longevity from anyone.

    Battery flaws that SONY has are affecting many in the industry.

    Motherboard designs for these new generation chips will always produce flaws.

    Second revision rule of thumb.

    When you go and buy a car do you buy the first year of a new model? Or do you wait a year or two?

    The Auto Industry has been building cars for over 100 years and they still get horrendous recalls.

    Get used to the disposable society. From Blenders, to hairdryers/coffee makers, to major tool manufacturers the days of buy and use for a decade or more cost major bucks and the low end, plastic encased models are tested for failure time frames.

    This business market is driving people to purchase every twelve or less months.

    I'm still going to wait on revision B of the Mac Pro. I've got more than one operating system/hardware combo and I won't die without the Mac Pro.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Cute emo boys kissing
  • Cute emo boys kissing

  • BRLawyer
    Aug 20, 05:34 AM
    The only conclusion following the advent of the duo MacPro x Leopard is this: Microsoft Windows is dead.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo boys Kissing 2
  • Emo boys Kissing 2

  • amin
    Aug 22, 07:33 PM
    Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores.

    Do you have a reference showing that this translates to better performance in real-world application tests in a head to head competition?

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. Emo Boys Kissing
  • Emo Boys Kissing

  • gnasher729
    Jul 27, 10:07 AM
    So since these new mobile chips are pin-compatible with the Yonah chips (like the one in my MBP), will it be easy/possible to simply buy one and upgrade myself?

    With things like this, my rule is: If you have to ask, then you can't do it :-(

    At the very least, you have to open your MacBook, get access to the processor, remove it, put in a new ones. But laptops are not built to be opened, and the processor is most definitely not intented to be swapped, so you might have to take an awful lot of things apart. Now taking it apart is the easy part, putting all the things back together again with everything fitting and nothing left over, that is the more difficult part.

    It is one thing to try these things with a cheap MacMini, especially if your goal is not to have a faster MacMini, but an impressive webpage. Risking a $2000 MacBook Pro is quite another thing. Better to sell your MacBook/MacBook Pro on eBay and buy a new one.

    Emo Boys Kissing Pictures. EmO boys kissing--large-msg-
  • EmO boys kissing--large-msg-

  • basesloaded190
    Apr 6, 11:12 AM
    I still don't think this means new MacBook Airs in June. Can anyone really see Apple releasing new hardware before Lion is released?

    Why not?

    Mar 26, 11:41 PM
    Not quite, W7 is still based on Win NT technology, dating back to 1993.

    OS X is still based on UNIX, dating back to '69.


    Thank you....

    The only time I would be excited, literally, about a MAJOR release is if they went to an OS which was slated to be described by Canines.

    "Canine" would mean that it smells bad (especially when wet), and is without pride, and is basically dumb but can learn tricks for kibbles.

    Yes, bring on OSX "Poodle".

    Apr 6, 01:35 PM
    Under the hood it got all the bell and whistle, but the app market has not enough tablet optimized app to back it up. Some app just crash or won't open. And last time I check, they haven't release an update to allow the use to micro SDHC card yet.

    Xoom = DOA, Android = still fragmented

    Mar 22, 01:00 PM
    It won�t sell because the iPad lines will block the view in store.

    I am amazed that lines are STILL long for ipad 2 (as in this morning) -> was any other i-device this well received ?

    Jul 14, 07:11 PM
    Re-read the article.

    It says there will be three available slots - 2 4x and 1 8x. These are the slots that will not be used by factory-bundled devices.

    The bundled ATI X1800/X1900 video card will be in a 16x slot. It probably won't physically fit anywhere else!
    4 slots. 3 unused. Not 3 total.

    Most PCs don't have more slots, either. Sure you can find a few counter-examples, but 6-slot systems are not common. And with the exception of the PM 9500/9600, Apple has never shipped a 6-slot system. (The Quadra 950 had 5. Everything else shipped with 4 or less.)
    You seem to think that a Pro system must have the capability of accepting every hardware device ever invented. (And how do you do this without making the case six feet tall?)

    Dual video cards are only used by gamers. I doubt gamers are going to be interested in buying one of these, for the same reason they don't buy other Macs - the software comes out for other platforms first.

    As for FC interfaces, they can work fine in any of the available slots. And there's no need for audio cards when you've got S/PDIF optical audio in/out.

    Remember also that a studio won't be doing both video and audio editing on the same console! The people who are expert at one job are not going to be expert at the other. And if your studio is so strapped for cash that the different editors have to share a single computer, then you're in pretty sad shape!

    I don't think you realize what you're asking for. A system that is capable of performing all possible tasks at once is just unrealistic. Nobody will ever equip a system like that, because no user will have those kinds of requirements.

    Even in the PC world, where more slots are common, you almost never find a system that has actually filled all those slots with devices.

    You're probably right about the slots, but I never said that it had to do everything at once. Just saying that it is my understanding that Apple is trying to make this a workstation (or at least that's what the rumor sites make it out to be) and it might as well have as much power as possible.

    Also, as for the sound card, what about sound in? Some musicians might want MIDI in/out. I know, a lot of MIDI instruments come w/ USB now, but some musicians might want MIDI. Also, gamers aren't the only ones who might want/need to use 2+ graphics cards. What about CAD designers? Some of their stuff is pretty graphic intensive. Plus, since MacTels can run Windows, gamers might buy Macs, too. Just saying that some people might want this stuff, not necesarily everyone. To be honest, I don't care. Different strokes for different folks.

    On a completely different note, I wonder what the Intel xServes will be like, along with new xServe RAIDs. If I read Apple's xServe RAID site, correctly, it uses ATA/100, not SATA. I wonder if/when Apple would upgrade? If I'm right (correct me if I'm wrong) SATA II has a max transfer rate of 3 Gb/s (or 750 MB/s), though I've also heard 300 MB/s. ATA/100's is 100 MB/s. Also, Western Digital's Raptor X is a 10,000 RPM drive and only has a SATA interface while all the ATA/100 drives I've seen are just 7200 RPM. People who need high bandwidth might want this.

    Mar 22, 03:01 PM
    Hopefully Apple will take a cue from that.
    Playbook . . . as in what sport coaches use to hold their plays . . . e.g. their next moves, their plans on winning the game.

    A term that's barely used outside of north America. I wonder if RIM even thought of that?

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