Monday 9 May 2011

Caney Fork River

Caney Fork River. (47quot; on the Caney Conversion
  • (47quot; on the Caney Conversion

  • daneoni
    Aug 26, 03:51 PM
    I dont see much change really, the 1.66GHz merom chip will find its way into the mini (they'll scrap the solo model).

    The 1.83 & 2.00GHz for iMacs (if they use merom) and MacBooks and the 2.16 and 2.33 for the 15 & 17 MBPs respectively. Its that simple.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River
  • Caney Fork River

  • S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    Caney Fork River. PADDLE: Caney Fork River
  • PADDLE: Caney Fork River

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 22, 04:46 PM
    well said. it's hard to even have a civil conversation here anymore. not sure what the majority of the age group here is now, but the discussions since i've joined here just a couple of years ago seem to be on the decline with immaturity. there are a handful of respectful and open minded people who do back up their thoughts with details and sense, but you'd have to wade through a lot of "fanboy" (i hate that term) jargon to sift the ones worth replying to.

    True. The debate gets too personal, and starts loosing credibility after a while.
    If this was a live debate, there would have been a shootout already.
    Cool off people, and provide solid arguments to sustain your point.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River Float Trip
  • Caney Fork River Float Trip

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 9, 10:01 PM
    I'd wait for Haswell or maybe even Rockwell which will be the 16nm shrink of Haswell.

    Caney Fork River. The Caney Fork River viewed
  • The Caney Fork River viewed

  • iliketyla
    Apr 6, 01:53 PM
    I don't really watch television at all, so I was just wondering if there are many commercials for tablets besides the iPad?

    I can't recall ever seeing a Xoom commercial even in passing, although I have seen an iPad commercial.

    Caney Fork River. topic - Caney Fork River
  • topic - Caney Fork River

  • nilk
    Apr 6, 03:41 PM
    Once you have it, you don't want it without.

    ps:I type fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    sent from swipe keyboard :D

    I've never liked backlit keys and have it turned off on my MBPs. I find it annoying, personally, but I do touch type so I'm never looking at the keys. I totally understand those who do want that feature (and Apple should add it to the MBA because it appears to be important for a enough people), but personally I don't care for it and am glad I can turn it off.

    Caney Fork River. topic - Caney Fork River
  • topic - Caney Fork River

  • agmaster
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    Wow, more people just trying to get money out of a successful company. Almost every phone tracks your location no matter what brand it is. I don't have an iPhone but there must be an option to turn off location tracking, but even if you did many great Apps out there wouldn't work if you did turn off location tracking.

    Caney Fork River. house on caney fork river
  • house on caney fork river

  • MacRumors
    Apr 6, 01:20 PM (

    Business Insider reports ( on a research note from Deutsche Bank estimating sales of Motorola's Android-based Xoom tablet at only about 100,000 units since its late February launch, based on Android developer statistics ( showing that only 0.2% of Android devices accessing the Android Market during the second half of March had the Android 3.0 "Honeycomb" operating system installed. The Xoom is currently the only device on the market running Honeycomb.

    Caney Fork River. on the Caney Fork River
  • on the Caney Fork River

  • coder12
    Mar 26, 09:16 AM
    I'll be honest--I really like Lion.

    Mission control is essentially a hybridization of spaces and expos�. Sure, it still has a few quirks, but it is already very nice.

    Fullscreen apps? This is nice, especially with how spaces now work. Most of my bugs occur in fullscreen though, so hopefully they've been ironed out.

    The new look is really nice. I can't seem to find much of it that hasn't been changed yet. But they're definitely not done tweaking the GUI yet, especially with those tiny stoplight buttons. There's something radical going on here, methinks.

    Airdrop may not be a brand new feature, but it does make remote sharing a bit easier.

    Zooming on Safari is pretty nice too, not as nice as the iPad's scrolling, but still nice.

    Open GL 3.2, heck, the graphics are really fast too.

    I guess what I'm saying is that Lion is still as powerful as all of its predecessors, but has a much more perfected feel to it. I'll definitely be upgrading.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River Info
  • Caney Fork River Info

  • Dan==
    Jul 27, 05:37 PM
    Another way Apple could do it is just to elongate the Mini's case to make it just as svelte vertically, only slightly wider. Could you take a run at that one Dan==?


    That's exactly what I was thinking, it would fit in with other home audio/video components--or in my case, replace them. I've played around with it, but I obviously don't have the skills that you do. ;)

    Ok, here goes. (Quick pass)
    Eeek. Not so sure I like that.

    Hmmm... maybe with just one slot?

    A little better. I personally prefer the taller narrower one, though.

    Caney Fork River. 20110226_078C3 TN Caney Fork
  • 20110226_078C3 TN Caney Fork

  • jonnysods
    Apr 8, 06:04 AM
    Seems like a pretty big slap on the wrist. Wonder if this is true....

    Caney Fork River. Upper Caney Fork River
  • Upper Caney Fork River

  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 19, 08:54 AM
    Not that I really believe we'll see something today, but if we do, I'm buying - magnetic latch or not. :p

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River tributaries
  • Caney Fork River tributaries

  • DrJohnnyN
    Apr 8, 08:12 AM
    Slick move, Best Buy.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River After the
  • Caney Fork River After the

  • THX1139
    Aug 17, 03:57 PM
    Some people do things called graphic design and video editing for a living. Sometimes, when you want to make money and put food on the table, you want top of the line equipment.:rolleyes:

    Calm down. The OP was directing his question towards gamers. I agree with him, why salivate over a Macpro and whine for games when it's clear that the Macpro isn't intended for that kind of user. If I were a games enthusiast, I'd build my own custom PC that would be optimized for gaming performance. Apple is ignoring this segment of the market. For those of us who need to get real work done, the Macpro is a great machine. It will play games, but don't try hauling to a Lan party. You'll probably get laughed at.

    Do you see now?

    Caney Fork River. caney fork fishing
  • caney fork fishing

  • Malligator
    Mar 31, 03:56 PM
    Ironically, most of the people on this forum said iPhone on Verizon would be game over for Android.

    This 'game over for Android' reminds me a lot of the 'this is the year of desktop linux' stuff that has been said every year for the last 9.

    Or a lot like the "iPad Killer" monicker given to every piece of Android vaporware announced since 2007.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River Views
  • Caney Fork River Views

  • twoodcc
    Aug 9, 08:38 PM
    In terms of driving/racing sim, any SimBin racer wipes the floor with the GT series.

    i have never heard of SimBin, but looking at the website, it doesn't look bad. do any of their games work in Mac OS X?

    given that its been out for 10 years, i think it would have sold a fair few no matter what :rolleyes: i preferred GT3 A-Spec over anything else.

    do we have an official date yet? or will that be pushed back too :D

    yes it has been out for awhile, but they still haven't released the 5th game yet (not including demos). so either way, there's only 4 versions of the game out. at over 57 million copies sold, i'd say they sold a fair few...

    and yeah they have been known to push back dates, i sure hope that they don't

    If sales are the judge of a games greatness, then Mario Kart on the Wii is the greatest racing game of all time. No doubt about it. The number of copies sold backs that up. Sorry GT.

    mario kart is a different type of racing game, geared towards a different audience. i like mario kart as well.

    i'm not saying sales are the only factor, but when you get to the level of Gran Turismo, that's when vendors start making real cars just for the game...

    Caney Fork River. is the Caney Fork River.
  • is the Caney Fork River.

  • lorductape
    Nov 28, 06:27 PM
    it's as I feared would happen after microsoft was stupid with the zune marketplace. but honestly, who didn't see this coming?

    death to microsoft. this just adds another reason.

    basically, this is something that microsoft probably did on purpose. It set a precident in the recording industry that companies will be required to match in order to get recording deals. its only $1 in the zunes case, but that's a significant amount when you think of the iPod's popularity. now it will be expected that EVERY online music store will do this.

    it would just go to the company.

    exactly! who does universal think they are???

    what does microsoft think they were doing???

    Caney Fork River. 20110226 TN Caney Fork River (Set)
  • 20110226 TN Caney Fork River (Set)

  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:04 AM
    well speaking only for myself.. i suck at typing, so having this feature at night helps. and being an owner of 2 MB Pros, i've been spoiled by the backlit keys

    Most Def. Im not the "dont ever look at the keyboard cause Im so damn good" typer. A backlit keyboard would be very welcomed.

    Caney Fork River. Caney Fork River Fishing
  • Caney Fork River Fishing

  • kdarling
    Apr 6, 02:32 PM
    As was pointed out by a previous poster, iOS was developed for tablet use.

    That's a common misreading of what Jobs said.

    iOS was developed for the phone first, although its idea of using a touch UI was not.

    As Jobs explained, there was a simple UI demo done on a touch device originally designed to be a keyboard input prototype. That demo gave him the idea to go all touch on the iPhone. That's what he meant by "the tablet came first".

    Since we know that during summer/fall the first iPhone UI concepts were done using iPods with wheels, his touch "eureka" moment probably came in late with the UI demo almost certainly done under OSX.

    According to all known histories, the actual creation of iOS didn't begin until 2006. Prior to that, some at Apple were still proposing using Linux for the phone OS.

    Aug 26, 07:10 PM
    From the looks of it PPC based Mac's have MUCH fewer issues. Did you notice that the site was started on June 7th 2006? What do you think it will be skewed towards?

    (anyway talk about a site designed for farming ad link related revenue)

    Apr 27, 10:17 AM
    Trump is a hero. :rolleyes:

    I listened to the report and I can't understand a word he is saying. He babbles about nothing.

    Jul 27, 10:11 AM
    All of the reviews of the Core 2 Duo say that it crushes AMD in the desktop arena. This is good news

    This week, anyhow. This stuff goes back-and-forth like a tennis match.

    I don't know if it's a good thing or not, it just is. I prefer AMD on the whole, as I like their design philosophy. But, I'm totally happy with the Intel chip in my MacBook. Whatever works. I find as I get older, the same computers get faster while I just get slower. :D

    Apr 6, 01:17 PM
    Won't purchase any Mac with intel graphics.

    Apr 8, 02:16 AM
    Just to let y'all know, unless someone else knows otherwise, Best Buy makes zero off Apple product sales (that haven't been marked up).

    I read this thread and I noted that someone pointed out that BB apparently marks up some items -Airports, Time Machines, etc. I found this odd since Apple controls all the pricing, but eh, not going to question that since those are the facts I'm assuming (can't be bothered to go on a comparing spree).

    Anyway, the iPad 2s aren't marked up, thus they make zero.
    Each department should be meeting their budget daily. How do they do that? By selling products they make notional margin and that allows that department to meet their budget. On a slow, sh-tty day, a department may only be 70% to budget; on a fast, awesome day, a department may be 110% to budget.

    But when you make zero off iPad sales, keeping them away from customers does not help notional margin. Doesn't bring them any closer to hitting budget. The only way they'd make money on that iPad sale would be selling accessories or the Black Tie protection. But that's entirely something else.
    Best Buy makes zero notional margin on iPad sales, so they're not withholding stock to meet daily budgets.

    I can't explain why they're doing this, but given my knowledge, I can invalidate the claim that managers are hoarding iPads so that they can meet budget every day.

    Cheers! :D

    This is not entirely true. The apple tv2 best buy sells for $99 and best buys cost is around $90. Also, best buy honors student discounts on apple products. Apple does not reimburse bby for that. You really think bby is going to pay customers to buy apple products?

    Anyway, I hate bby. I used to work there. Few of the employees give a **** about the customer.

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