Monday 9 May 2011

Cabanas La Conchita

Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum
  • Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 11:43 AM
    I agree at least since the iPod. As an investor, I hope Apple executes their plan well. The mobile phone business is getting crowded all of a sudden e.g. Best Buy, Disney, ESPN etc. I think it will come down to design e.g. Razr.


    I think the main reason the razr's such a sucess is beacuse it soo cheap. It so easy to get one free with your contract in the UK. Not only does it look alrite but its massivly affordable

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum
  • Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum

  • Yamcha
    Apr 19, 02:41 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabañas La Conchita, South of
  • Cabañas La Conchita, South of

  • iliketyla
    Mar 31, 07:22 PM
    I imagine if you made a chart of the top selling smartphones in the last 5 years, it would consist of the iPhone 4, the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone.

    I neither agree or disagree with this statement, I'm just very curious as to whether or not it is true. Anyone have an data that can prove/disprove this?

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita: Tulum,
  • Cabanas La Conchita: Tulum,

  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 07:51 PM
    I'm not trying to be a wise a@@, but when did Apple make a Pismo. I do remember them, but not being made by Apple. I am sorry, I don't recall the manufactuer for them at this time.:confused:

    Apple always made the Pismo. I don't know the exact years but it was a black G3 PowerBook.

    Cabanas La Conchita. conchita cabanas tulum,
  • conchita cabanas tulum,

  • H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:45 AM
    "grue likes this"

    Good call on the "insufficient content" / transition split errors, those drive me right to the edge of madness sometimes.

    Another one: TRUTHFUL !*@(#(!@#!@ ERROR MESSAGES!

    Another one: Let's say I want to export a marked clip from my timeline and I call it "Hurf", and then go "Oh whoops I meant to mark that out point 8 frames later", I want to replace "Hurf" but I can't because the program is dumb and says the file is in use. So I have to go to the file location and delete the incorrect-made file, or give it a diff name and THEN delete the original.

    ahhh.....Bane of my existence. Not an issue with After Effects and its annoying as hell!

    Cabanas La Conchita. Quote: A palm thatched cabana
  • Quote: A palm thatched cabana

  • Funkymonk
    Mar 31, 10:56 PM
    I have 2 friends with android, one with an HTC and one with Samsung Galaxy S.

    They have different OS versions since they aren't able to update it, they get crap bugs and error in almost every software they use. I say to one of them to update to lastest version, he told me he can't because he need to do it from "root"... i don't know, but at least i was able to install WhatsApp on their phones, the only thing i care :-P Naturally they are using their device at minimum, few software and one of them neither have 3G connection. When we are at pub, they all use my iPhone for browsing and gaming (sigh) as always has been.

    lol I think your friends may have some serious mental disabilities. jesus christ you're making it sound like android is unusable lol

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas la Conchita
  • Cabanas la Conchita

  • Abstract
    Sep 18, 11:40 PM
    Of course they're going to refresh the laptops before the holidays. Duh. :rolleyes:


    I can't believe this would even count as a rumour. It's more an "inevitability."

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita: Tulum,
  • Cabanas La Conchita: Tulum,

  • wtmk81
    Mar 22, 01:41 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    I'd agree with you, but the Playbook is showing up Sunday for a party on Saturday. It had a chance, but I think the late release killed it.

    Cabanas La Conchita. cabanas la conchita
  • cabanas la conchita

  • sososowhat
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats. Time machine is a great idea; love the additions to iChat & spotlight.

    Cabanas La Conchita. Read Cabanas la Conchita
  • Read Cabanas la Conchita

  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 08:36 AM
    The Mactopus??

    Notice time. I bags it, I said it first, it's MINE!!!

    My only...

    My Mactopus...

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita
  • Cabanas La Conchita

  • JoeC2k6
    Jun 14, 10:33 AM
    radioshack just offered me 36 cents to $40 for a trade in on a 3GS......really great trade in value at RS...

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum. Audrey#39;s a bit hungover in this photo, can you tell? :)
  • Cabanas La Conchita, Tulum. Audrey#39;s a bit hungover in this photo, can you tell? :)

  • diamond.g
    Apr 12, 06:46 PM
    I think the $49 3Gs is AT&T's attempt to offer something that Verizon does not. Previous to Verizon getting the iPhone, the cheapest iPhone price was $99, and once the iPhone 5 comes out, I expect that there will no longer be a $49 iPhone option.

    Offering a two-year old model at a discount is not what I call a deal -- and mind you -- I own a 32GB iPhone 3Gs while I am awaiting the iPhone 5. I love my iPhone 3Gs, but I would not advise anybody to buy one today with the iPhone 5 just around the corner.

    Apple would do better creating a trendy newly-released iPhone-nano for a lower price and perhaps use iAd to help monetize it (the same way Amazon is doing with Kindle). Teens would much rather own a trendy new phone than a two-year old model that looks dated when held up next to its successor -- but that is just my guess at what the market would do -- I am certainly not all-knowing.
    I personally wouldn't recommend people buy a subsidized phone, but people are price sensitive. YMMV. :(

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas la Conchita: Cabana #1
  • Cabanas la Conchita: Cabana #1

  • leekohler
    Mar 7, 07:59 AM
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

    They really think we're the enemy. It's unbelievable.

    Cabanas La Conchita. Boutiquecabanas tulum conchita
  • Boutiquecabanas tulum conchita

  • 840quadra
    Apr 27, 09:49 AM
    Incorrect - it's not tracking your direct location as you assert.

    For instance, when you're visiting "Harry's Sex Shop and under the counter Heroin sales" it doesn't track that you're actually at that business.

    It tracks that your phone contacted "AT&T Cellular Site 601-2L" which might be within line of sight of such a business or it might be in the surrounding neighborhood or somewhat nearby.

    My own phone shows that I travel all over the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul since I am an IT staffer who journeys between 25 different offices all of the time that are dispersed all over town - and I think you would be hard pressed to find out ANYTHING from looking at that picture, it's a giant mess of dots all over town and one satellite facility southeast of town:


    Anyway. Yes, an enterprising thief with access to your phone could use it potentially. But as it is, collating that data would require some smarts and effort.

    You stole my map!!!

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas la Conchita Tulum
  • Cabanas la Conchita Tulum

  • Reach
    Sep 19, 09:44 AM
    I find your tone very condescending and doesn't encourage open and accepting dialogue between ppl here. I don't understand why you would participate then... If you need to be the oldest forum member (you win) or 100% right (you can win that too).... but I want to engage with ppl here in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
    Agreed, he suddenly jump into the thread and started bashing everyone for making time pass until the machine we wait for arrives, quite unnecessary.
    And to imply that chances for a RevB being more refined than a RevA is not higher is just plain stupid. Take evolution, things improve, bad stuff gets pulled out! ;)
    Well, there are friendly people here, just some dicks needing to vent or something we could do without..

    Cabanas La Conchita. Read Cabanas la Conchita
  • Read Cabanas la Conchita

  • xStep
    Apr 11, 04:23 PM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    LOL! OK, so the new generation of iMovie isn't compatible with you. I like the new iMovie. Sure it has it's quirks and a different take on the editing process, but I'm compatible with it and FCP.

    Randy's experiment that turned into the new iMovie was a tool to allow him to quickly skim through his personal content for use in Final Cut. Apparently, other powers that be, when seeing it, thought it a good base for a new consumer video editor. I don't recall it being publicly shared how much influence came from others for the new iMovie. Other's influence has been assumed, except for idiots who want to personally attack Randy.

    Cabanas La Conchita. Cabanas la Conchita Tulum
  • Cabanas la Conchita Tulum

  • 33scottie33
    Aug 27, 02:06 PM
    That is interesting because I ordered a Macbook on Tuesday (the 22nd) and mine is also scheduled to ship on the 31st. It is suspiciously strange and hopefully it means that we'll get Meroms because I was waiting for the Merom MBP when I decided to just order a Yonah MB.

    I ordered a 17" MBP on Thursday and it originally had a ship date for the 31st. Then today I got an email with a tracking number saying that it shipped today.:confused: I was hoping that mine would be a Merom too, but it does not look like it. The delivery date is now the 30th; I'll try to not open it for a couple of days or until I hear some new news.

    Cabanas La Conchita. playas cabanas, tulum New
  • playas cabanas, tulum New

  • k995
    Apr 20, 09:05 AM
    No. I don't think that's possible; but samsung didn't ship it until later. So, that could have been a testing unit meant for a future release.
    Sure manufacturers always have a couple of design laying arund just in case.

    Reality of course is samsung had bene designing that for quit some time as were others .

    Cabanas La Conchita. At hotel Cabanas la Conchita
  • At hotel Cabanas la Conchita

  • SWC
    Aug 7, 08:01 PM
    great . . . i just get a new macbook with tiger now i'm gonna have to get leopard . . . how much will this put me back?

    $129 is history proves true

    Apr 19, 06:16 PM
    After reading some of the lawsuit, I had to post this..

    Proof that Samsung ripped off Apple's rip off of Delicious Library?

    Apr 29, 09:35 AM
    Labelling birthers as racist, paranoid, or nutters is just pandering to the distraction of all this. The persistence of this "issue" could be more of a logical desire to belittle or erode the political power of the current president; which is akin to schoolyard gossiping, sure, but it's still strangely effective.

    Now back to the birthing show!

    Mar 23, 12:19 AM
    Although I backed the implementation of a no-fly zone a few weeks ago, I wouldn't describe my position as one of wholehearted support. More a queasy half-hearted recognition that something had to be done and that all alternatives lead to rabbit holes of some degree or another. When all is said and done, my usual fallback position is an intense weariness at the evil that men do.

    For the record, I actually supported (if silence is considered consent) both Gulf wars at the start; I believed in the fictional WMD, I believed it when Colin Powell held his little vial up at the UN... but I, like many was tied down with work and other concerns and was only paying cursory attention to the news at the time. Like Obama, I also initially supported the war in Afghanistan, or at least the idea of it, initiated by a Republican president, but since then it seems to have become a fiasco of Catch-22 proportions.

    Slowly discovering the real agenda and true ineptness of the Bush administration was a pivotal point in my reawakening political understanding of US current affairs after reading Hunter Thompson for so many years. Disgusted and appalled at the casual way in which we all were lied to, I'm quite happy to hold my hands up and say 'I was wrong'.

    Thing is about Obama, I never had any starry-eyed notion about him being a peace-maker. He's an American president, the incentives are cemented into the role as one of using power and protecting wealth. Not that many conservatives were paying attention at the time, but he stood up in front of the Nobel academy when accepting his Nobel Peace Prize and laid out a justification for war.

    Since the second Gulf War, the entire circus has been one of my occasional interests, because I've never seen a political process elsewhere riddled with so many bald-faced liars, grotesque characters and half-baked casual hate speech. What power or the sniff of it does to people, twisting them out of shape, is infinitely more interesting and has more impact on us than any other endeavour, except for possibly the parallel development of technology.

    I used you as an example more out of rhetoric than anything else. However, I think your essay is spot on.

    I didn't believe the Bush administration's call for war in Iraq because I was reading Hans Blix's reports and I was suspicious of the whole endeavor: the Bushies struck me as a group wholly unprepared for the difficulty of governing a foreign country after a military invasion. I did hope, like Tom Friedman, that an Iraq without Saddam might be a powerful symbol in the Middle East, but I was deeply concerned about the war.

    Reading Anthony Shadid's reporting on Iraq told me that the situation was, days in, already spinning out of control. Once it became apparent that looters were able to steal artifacts from the museums, office chairs pilled with computers from the bureaus and weapons from Iraq's hundreds of ammunition dumps I knew we were in trouble.

    Libya is more like Bosnia than Iraq. A moment of force has the potential to change the scope of the conflict, hopefully for the positive, in a way that a full-blown invasion would merely complicate. That's the central part that fivepoint, who is merely interested in making another partisan screed, is ignoring.

    We have complicated thoughts about the use of force in the world, which leads us to appear hypocritical when all things are made to appear equal to make straw.

    George W. Bush is responsible for another calamity: me posting in PRSI, one of my many occasional weaknesses.

    Me too. I wandered in here by accident as a new member and haven't left.

    Jul 28, 05:37 PM
    That looks stunningly beautiful. wish there were 3 or 4 card slots though.

    Well, I was trying to hit the mid-point. The PM has four, and the Mini has none, so I put in two. If I had put in a third one, I would have had to make it taller.

    (Of course, I realize that both the two and the four aren't quite accurate, as the PM has one slot taken up by the video card, so it's really three, as does my M++ so it's really only got one. But a strong argument can be made that people who need more than one expansion slot should really get a full sized system...)

    Apr 9, 02:32 PM
    11thindian, do you still think it's only professionals that I know?

    Of course not. The proliferation of people who say that they have migrated to another platform indicates that for varying reasons, be they technical, workflow, or otherwise... some have left FCP. There are reasons to do that. I would just rather people state personal experience for what it is; rather than paint broad, unsubstantiated remarks like, "Apple is bleeding market share to Premier!". State what's happening for you in your neck of the woods. That's educational for everyone, rather than being combative.

    Heck, my first 4 years in NLE was on AVID. Why did I switch? Primarily because that's where my market was going. I couldn't stick with FCP if all my clients decided they were going to make a switch to another platform now.

    My biggest confustion is with people already labelling this iMovePro. There's no solid evidence of this. Apple hasn't let the product lay fallow, they've recovered from an internal crossed wires as to platform direction in which resulted in a modest update with FCS3, but have been working on a complete rewrite.

    If Apple were just delivering a reheated 64bit FCP7 that could play DSLR footage natively, THEN I'd be worried! But by all accounts they've rewritten from scratch, and completely rethought the product, the goals, the interface. That takes a lot more time and effort.

    Until the cat is out of the bag, I prefer to be more interested than worried.

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