Saturday 21 May 2011

2012 mustang boss white

2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss yellow.
  • 2012 mustang boss yellow.

  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 5, 06:03 PM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    How are the above 2 things done on a Mac?

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    Recent items are "today, yesterday, and past week." I checked with the 'finder' and a document showed up yesterday without accessing my documents folder. Hope this helps, as you sound computer savvy!

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Mustang Boss 302 News
  • 2012 Mustang Boss 302 News

  • theheadguy
    Aug 29, 02:35 PM
    I swear, some people will excuse Apple of genocide if given the chance. How is it that Apple is doing "everything they can" when Dell is doing so much better? They both make the same things! Same with Motorola and Nokia. We even have some conspiracy theorists thinking Greenpeace is out to get Apple (although they seem to miss the part where Acer scores worse, and happens to be a smaller PC maker). Its simply impossible to try and excuse Apple when a company like Dell does better, not caring about companies destroying the environment is one thing but trying to pretend Apple is actually doing a good job is another.
    You're spot on. Some people can't face the facts. It hurts their feelings to realize Apple can do some things very poorly.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
  • 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 21, 12:16 PM
    I hope they weren't pulling our leg when they said that movies are going "World-wide" in 2007. Let's hope that means TV shows, and bloody stores too. Cause quite frankly Apple needs to get their act together with this European stuff already!! I thought this was meant to be a global economy? It seems these days, and before these days too, that all Apple cares about market wise, is the UK and the US. I like both of those places myself, and I wish them look with Apple related stuff in the future. I think us Irish, and all other European countires needs a little more than look right now. To be realistic, and personally I can only speak for my country. Ireland needs at least "4" fully fledged FLAGSHIP Apple stores. One in Belfast, one in Dublin, one in Waterford (where I live, the fastest growing city in Ireland), and one in Cork, "HERE" ( as of right now with the current economic state of the country and the current populous. They need to start by putting an Apple store in Dublin this year, and roll out the other "3" stores in 2007. The whole situation with Apple and Europe seems at this stage to me to be a joke. It's actually hard to believe that a company on such a rise like Apple seems to be ignoring most European counties...:( It's a disgrace! And is inexcusable IMO. Get your bloody act together Apple. I'm not joking when I say, someone at Apple needs a good kick up the arse!!

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss price.
  • 2012 mustang boss price.

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 29, 11:30 AM
    i wouldnt truly worry about that till it happens. one thing i have learned over the years is that roadmaps never hold up. if they had, we'd all be running dual core 6GHZ G5 or G6 right now, with 10GHZ in production readying themselves for 2007. Intel would have a oentium 5 or something out or their 64 bit itanium with consumes 200W of power. just a year ago, we had laptops with pentium M that wre as fast or faster than pentium 4's. who knows where we'll be in a year or 2 from now. i wont worry about laptop performance until we are behind, not what some roadmap says. years ago clock speed was all the rage, today its multiple cores. what will it be tomorrow? who knows.

    Exactly. Roadmaps are just projections based on what current technology and market trends seem to indicate. Back when Intel and AMD were both deadlocked in the MHz race and were pushing to break the 2GHz barrier, we were hearing claims of 4GHz within a year and 10GHz by '07. Well, '07 is almost here and 4GHz is still just a pipedream in most situations and not something we see without overclocking and aftermarket cooling options. The only thing that we can rely on is that both AMD and Intel have become quite reliable when they officially announce a product is in development and production and they are usually good about when it will arrive and what it will do. Often only missing a release by a matter of a few days to a week or two, even though it was announced nearly 8 months or more in advance. But upcoming products on their roadmap mean little. Nehalem may not even happen... There's been several tentative chip products over the years that appear on a roadmap, only to be replaced by something else later. I think at this point, all those future entries on the roadmap mean is that it's something being investigated. There could be a significant breakthrough tomorrow in nanotech that allows for 28um production industry-wide within the next two years and then you can bet that Intel, AMD and IBM will throw their current roadmaps out the window. So it means nada until they officially start development and testing on a new product...

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Mustang Boss 302′s 444
  • 2012 Mustang Boss 302′s 444

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 03:24 PM
    It decompressed the zip file and executes code to launch an installer. This is considered a safe action because the user still has to continue to run the installer.

    Installation of MacDefender via the installer requires password authentication by the user.

    So Safari auto-downloads, unarchives and auto-executes something, but you think it is safe because it's an installer ? :confused:

    I'm sorry, but I'm still curious about the "auto-execute" part. Why would it run the installer automatically after decompressing it. That sounds quite "unsafe" to me. Even without administrator privilege, that means code can still run that can affect the current user's account.

    like there's no such thing as a virus for Mac...

    Link to Mac OS X virus please. Anything, a name, a description of what it does, something.

    Viruses and malware are not the same thing.

    I'll just leave this right here...

    What's your point with ClamAV ? It's the defacto Unix anti-virus scanner that's used to scan for Windows viruses in e-mail servers usually.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
  • 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

  • takao
    Mar 14, 06:17 PM
    there seem to be news breaking of an explosion at reactor 2 but without any more specifics so far

    edit: at the press conference the press seems to be 'tearing them a new one'

    so far from i have gathered:
    - explosion noises from the suppression pool
    - pressure in the suppression pool dropping (but might be damaged gauge)
    - personal is evacuated except direct operaters and personal required for water injections (even evacuated from reacter 1+3 operations)
    - 2.7 meters of the fuel rods exposed

    tecpo constantly trying to dodge questions on wether serious damages have been done to the containment vessel

    2012 mustang boss white. The 2012 Ford Mustang Boss
  • The 2012 Ford Mustang Boss

  • scottlinux
    Oct 25, 11:11 PM
    I think price will be the key. These are pricey chips. Apple will have to work their magic.

    I wonder how many current Mac Pro owners will just buy the new chips off and pop them in.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss laguna seca
  • 2012 mustang boss laguna seca

  • takao
    Mar 13, 04:40 PM
    I wouldn't be so smug if I was you. Looks like Austria uses over 60% imported oil and gas for electricity manufacture ( that Persian Gulf political turmoil must be pretty exciting for you guys, yes? Probably costly too.

    You're also reliant on those nice people in Russia to keep their natural gas pipelines open (–Ukraine_gas_disputes), aren't you... being land-locked and all.

    you know what actually is costly ? the US policies in regard to Iran: it actually prevented developing the south iranian gas fields for use for european earth gas users since the US embargoes any company doing business with iran in excess of 10 million dollar ... and because of the US preventing alternative sources we are depending on Russia which had been a consistent supplier for more than half a century

    nice distraction from your own argument ... where is the terror and war in which austria is involved because of the lack of nuclear energy ?
    i would rather claim that nuclear power plants, construction of such powerplants, nuclear fuel production etc. bring forward a lot more international conflict

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss price.
  • 2012 mustang boss price.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 8, 10:15 PM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss
  • 2012 mustang boss

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 08:40 AM
    So you're saying that if you steal $10 vs $1 million - it's not stealing? No doubt different levels of crime - but both are illegal.

    But see my post above. The long/short of it is - unlimited data is specific to the device as per the TOS. If you're breaking the TOS, you're breaking the TOS - no matter how you or anyone tries to justify it - and ATT can "retaliate" as it's within their right as per that TOS.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.
    Sir what is being stolen?


    At&t adds the data together for a month of use in your plan
    2=2=4gb of data a month, this has been explained by At&t over and over

    So If I use 2gb and use it on the phone or tether its the same

    I have unlimited

    if I use 3 gb of data next month I have stole nothing

    I used data

    what is your point?

    Crap about TOS, so what If I write a contract that you agree to buy Gas at my station for $2 a gallon when you fill up your car for a year. You then show up with a red gallon gas can I run out and say "The TOS says Car not Gas can" and I want to charge you $4 for the same gas now, this is not crap?

    You know companies lie and steal from us everyday doesn't make it right.

    I do not support ATT doing anything to those who already have a metered (limited) data plan. THAT makes no sense.

    I see you have an issue with those grandfathered, like we are stealing because we have unlimited? At&t has unlimited Data for $45 a month, its called Enterprise I see it in my account every month.

    It's not my fault you did not own an Iphone before unlimited was stopped.

    Also how about the two years I paid for 3g service and could not get 3g in my area? I disputed this with At&t and won.

    Stop making excuses for bad behavior (By At&t)

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
  • 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

  • Love
    Apr 22, 10:02 PM
    They think they don't need to back up their points with Reason or facts so it's a kind of intellectual laziness which compels most people.

    Really? That actually sounds like a Christian thing to do, morelike. Just say "because God made it that way" to anything they don't understand.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang gt oss.
  • 2012 mustang gt oss.

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 09:42 AM
    Or would be part of a larger game as sub-games. Nintendo do understand this kind of gaming but package it differently. I am not at all convinced that that packaging & pricing strategy would not work on iOS.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang gt oss.
  • 2012 mustang gt oss.

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 12, 03:43 PM
    Wow I didn't even know such an accessory existed:

    Gefen 4x1 DVI DL Switcher (Parallel Control) $899 (

    But the price is almost that of another screen! Holy Moly. You have a better place to buy it for less with link please?

    Unfortunately, I don't. :( You should try or - they may be able to quote you a better price, but I don't know how much better.

    So you gonna go with the ATI Dual Dual Link DVI Card on your Mac Pro? What card do you have in your Quad. I bought mine refurb and Apple doesn't sell a Dual Dual Link video card for it for post-purchase upgrade that I know of. Do you? Could just buy another cheap NVIDEA GeForce 6600 card that is missing the noisy fan. Don't do 3-D or games.

    I have the nVidia 7800GT card in both my G5 quads. It and the Quadro FX4000 were Apple's first offerings with 2xdual-link ports that I'm aware of. They went to the ATI X1900XT with the Mac Pro and replaced the the FX4000 with the FX4500 sometime last spring. Anyway, I think all the G5 quads are PCI-E x16 capable so you should be able to drop in any Mac EFI compliant PCI-E video card that has the dual-link connectors, but I'm not positive on this. The x1900xt sops up an adjacent card slot, which isn't an issue on the Mac Pro, but could cause problems on a G5 depending on what you may have installed. But I'm willing to bet that the current 7300GT card for $149 (1x dual-link, 1x single-link) will work just fine. I'm sure someone knows for sure.

    And yeah, I will buy the Mac pro with the x1900xt unless something better comes along before I click the buy button.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss gt.
  • 2012 mustang boss gt.

  • puma1552
    Mar 12, 05:11 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Not once have I said anything is safe. Not once have I said there is nothing to worry about; just the opposite--it's a serious situation and could get worse.

    All I've said is we don't have enough information to make much of an assessment and to not panic.

    With all due respect, somebody who doesn't even realize hydrogen is explosive isn't really in a position to tell someone holding two degrees in the field and speaking a good amount of the local language that he's de facto right and I'm de facto wrong.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss.
  • 2012 mustang boss.

  • P-Worm
    Sep 20, 07:13 AM
    Is it possible that the cable ports on the back can be used for both input AND output? I don't see why not.


    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302
  • 2012 Ford Mustang Boss 302

  • THX1139
    Jul 12, 04:50 PM
    we are not saying conroe is crap it just is not suitable for a mac pro.

    This thread is getting too funny. Apple has been so far behind on power these past few years and now we get the chance to use Conroe, and suddenly that's not good enough for the Mac snobs. Conroe is an extremely fast chip (especially compared to G5), so I don't get why some people think it's a bad choice for the pro-line up. Sure, it can't do smp, but not everyone needs or want to pay for quad processing.

    So, aside from the ability to do multiple processing, what advantages does Woodcrest have that make it mandatory to go in the pro-line? How much "faster" is it going to be over the Conroe? It's my understanding that they are identical in that respect.

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss laguna seca
  • 2012 mustang boss laguna seca

  • CQd44
    May 2, 08:56 AM
    "Huge" threat.

    About as huge as most windows ones!

    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss wallpaper.
  • 2012 mustang boss wallpaper.

  • P-Worm
    Sep 20, 07:13 AM
    Is it possible that the cable ports on the back can be used for both input AND output? I don't see why not.


    2012 mustang boss white. 2012 mustang boss gt.
  • 2012 mustang boss gt.

  • MadeTheSwitch
    Apr 27, 08:37 AM
    It wouldn't make sense for God to have his scripture written, then put in a compilation with a bunch of non-scripture, then mistranslated to boot. Therefore, you either believe that there is a God and that the Bible is exactly what it is supposed to be, or you believe neither

    It doesn't make sense for a supreme being to require the employ of man to begin with. There's the real fallacy.

    Sep 20, 08:28 AM
    I guess it wouldn't necessarily even need a hard drive. what about the option of including some video inputs on the back and streaming the video it sees on the screen BACK to your computer? It already has the bandwidth to stream from your computer, so why wouldn't it be able to do the opposite (given it has video inputs)? While this might not be ideal for some people who don't have a lot of HDD space, it would allow for editing out commercials, compression to ipods, etc, much like my eyetv 250. I think it would probably be better this way since it would be cheaper buying an external HDD for your computer than havnig a big HDD in ur ITV.

    Apr 12, 10:39 AM
    I don't care for the difficulty involved in sharing files across OS X/Windows/Linux, but that's hardly the fault of the Mac.

    Other nags:
    -Requiring 3rd-party software to stay awake when closed
    -The terrible built-in webcam (at least where Photo Booth is concerned, I've actually been pretty satisfied with iChat)
    The hilarious hillarious way that iTunes and iPhones work. It's the same way on Windows, but I think they sacrificed function for increased integration.

    Apr 15, 01:12 PM
    Sorry but I find this patently laughable. True Christian? Does that mean anyone who doesn't believe in the same interpretation of the bible as you do? I bet there are millions who would point the finger at you and say you are not a true Christian. You both, of course, are wrong as there cannot be any truth in a system based on faith.

    Ok, replace "True" for "Orthodox". Mainstream Protestant, Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox. Pretty much believe the same things. You can even throw some non-orthodox sects in there like the Mormons and still have a huge intersect on beliefs, especially on morality.

    Jul 12, 05:22 PM
    Point Proven..Noobs like this are the reason why sites like \ exist.

    This is pretty immature.

    Because unlike Apple , getting your own custom motherboard from ASUS / MSI / Gigabyte / DFI. means you have real choices , you can choose different chipsets from Intel , ATI , Nvidia , VIA. NOT JUST STOCK PARTS. I can get that 10 USB , 8 SATA , WiFi , eSATA , Dual PCIe 16x that supports Crossfire or SLI anyway i want it, Apple will never do this , even Dull gives u that much.

    I've had a DFI board kill 2 CPUs, a few Abit boards that were extremely flaky, one of which won't run 4 sticks of RAM anymore, another that crashed randomly and had to be RMAd, and don't not forget about the bad caps that a lot of older Abit boards (hello KT7 series) are having right about now.

    I've also had an Asus board die spontaneously when I put a (supported) higher wattage processor in it, and come on you quoted VIA. Since when has VIA been a GOOD thing. I remember swapping 4-in-1 drivers every week in order to find a stability that really wasn't ever truly there. With the earliest Via Athlon chipsets it was literally possible to install drivers in the wrong order, so that the OS would continually reboot- even in safe mode! Boy, that sure was fun.

    Remember the Socket A processors and their accompanying core-crushing heatsinks? When you get heatsinks that literally have the nickname of 'corecrusher' which I believe a (Thermaltake?) Volcano did, then you've got a bit of a problem. You're using the same argument that enthusiasts use against dell, except you forget that none of those computers can legally run OSX and the accompanying programs.

    I've also had a Xeon system, with an iWill workstation motherboard that actually ran without FANS for a little while and survived completely fine, and is still used by the person I sold it to right now. Stability is of utmost importance with workstation/server class hardware, and that's why you won't find a lot of problems with them. Even the original G5 dual CPU system sold in 2003 has pretty much no known issues, whereas you'll find a lot of other (cheaper) Mac hardware does. R&D on solid hardware is very expensive.

    Clearly you're a hardware enthusiast from an overclocker's board, and on that note do not quote an overclocked anything if you're going on a Mac forum where people use their machines to make a living: nobody overclocks their work machine unless they're a kid making $50 to do a website for their cousin or something like that, some people's day to day lifestyle rides on the machines they use and the support that is behind it (which Apple has been pretty great, in my experience, with).

    If you're comparing stock configurations, the 3GHz Woodcrest Xeon is actually faster than even the ($150 more expensive) Core 2 Duo Extreme Edition (Core 2 Duo X6800) which is going to be only 2.93GHz. Also note that Woodcrest's FSB is 1333MHz while Conroe's tops out at 1066. The slightly lower performance of the Xeons, brought by the use of FB-DIMM memory, will be handily offset by the faster FSB, and it will of course allow for an incredible amount of memory, which servers and workstations need, to be used.

    The fact is there are a lot of people in these forums who have used a Mac for their entire lives, and have never dealt with anything on the enthusiast side of the hardware spectrum, so they buy anything people tell them, which can make it tedious to read some of the nonsense that appears infrequently, as well as the hilarious zealot like posting of the few people who DO know something that try to come across as knowing EVERYTHING. You don't really fall into that category, but I think that you're probably at the wrong message board.

    Go check out xtremesystems and have a blast, if you're comfortable running windows then it is quite fun being an enthusiast and getting the most bang for your buck, but you really can't advise or look down on people here that literally depend on their Macs to make a living. Have a great week though and try to relax a bit.

    Aug 29, 11:58 AM
    A lot of people seem to believe Greenpeace has fabricated their data. (Which would be pretty stupid since it can be checked!) But if so, why not put Dell at the bottom for publicity purposes? That makes more sense than Acer if this is all lies instead of research.

    And I don't see people offering their OWN research :rolleyes: People are just saying Greenpeace is lying because they WANT it to be lies.

    I sympathize. I want Apple AND the rest to be at the top of the scale. I want it all to be lies.

    But wanting something is not enough to change reality.

    Luckily, there IS something that can change reality: ACTUAL change. THAT is what will make the Greenpeace-phobes right: when Apple and the others change to become what you wish they already were. We all wish it, and I believe it will happen. Recognizing the problems is an unpleasant but necessary step on the way.

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