Wednesday 11 May 2011

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  • PghLondon
    Apr 28, 03:52 PM
    Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.

    Wow. Just... wow.

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  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:12 AM
    I liked reading your post. I pretty much agree with you wrote. I think Nintendo is scared about the falling price of software. That's where their money comes from. For almost three decades, Nintendo has been making a lot of money by releasing consoles to sell their software at a premium.

    An excellent example... is Urban Champion on Wiiware really worth $5?
    That's madness! A title like that would get crushed on the iTunes App Store.

    Although... I think iOS is geared more towards casual games, because that's easier to create on the system. Yet, I'm investing time and money in seeing if there is a market for "hardcore" games. I think there is. That's why I'm building BOT (

    Apple is one step away from crushing Nintendo... that's adding an App Store to the Apple TV.

    This hardcore vs. casual debate misses the main point. Nintendo was seen as the more casual of the big three console makers. Yet, Nintendo dominated the first few years of this generation's console war. If Apple enters this arena, it's big trouble for Nintendo... and the other console makers.

    Heh, but as a developer, it's really cool for me. Apple has built something amazing here. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo... they could have made it easier for independent developers, but they didn't. Apple is now in a great position to dramatically change the way the industry works � and I think it's for the better.

    I wandered into Best Buy last Christmas season and I saw the game of life in 3D on the XBOX. I thought it was a great way to modernize a classic game. I was getting ready to buy the XBOX 360. But then, lots of great iOS games started going on sale for 99� each. I bought nine... NINE NEW GAMES for less than $10.

    If Nintendo doesn't adapt, it could be big trouble for them. I've seen the 3DS ( and I'm not impressed. I think the iPhone 4 is a much better portable gaming machine.

    Dude, Nintendo is not about to be crushed by Apple. That suggest a REAL lack of understanding about any market, let alone this one and this player.

    Nintendo does need to adapt, but it could do that in a number of ways that would see it remain successful and a core contributor. I happen to believe their core competence is in developing games, and they would be well served on iOS.

    I'm sorry, I don't judge the quality of a game by how cheap it is. EVEN IF YOU PUT IT IN CAPS.

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  • maccompaq
    Nov 10, 02:51 PM
    I have the iphone 3gs, and at&t has never been able to get their act together with the iPhone but with the os upgrades service seems to keep getting worse.

    Do you think problems will be resolved when / if verizon has access to the iphone (effectively lowering the burden on at&t, even thought they probably still wont be able to keep up)

    It is the fault of AT&T, not the iPhone. Every call I make gets dropped. It makes no difference if I use my iPhone 4 or my LG phone.

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  • Dippo
    Mar 18, 07:44 PM
    Now why do hackers have to go do this? they say they do it cuz the prices that cd's are is "unfair" and "overpriced".

    Let me repeat for those who aren't listening...
    You still have to buy the music!!!

    You have every right to rip DRM free music from a CD that you bought, and the same should go for music that you download.

    Just because the industry paid the lawmakers enough money to make a law that makes getting around DRM illegal, that doesn't make it wrong!

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 10:25 PM
    It's quite possible they are "miraculous" recoveries. "Miraculous' as in exceedingly rare. Gabrielle Giffords survived a point-blank gunshot to the head. Is that the work of divine intervention? Or is it simply a matter that if you shot a number of people in the head, a very small fraction would survive? Likewise, among the millions of people with cancer, it shouldn't come as a surprise to find a small fraction that beat the odds to make a remarkable recovery. If Purell kills 99.99% of bacteria, does that make the .01% of survivors "miracles"?
    In this video, there's a doctor who may doubt that Giffords got a miracle.

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  • Slurpy2k8
    Apr 9, 03:52 AM
    Wait? There's no need to wait. You are doing yourself a disservice. Do yourself a favor. Go to one of your friends houses, one with a PS3 or Xbox and at least a 37 inch TV. Play Assassin's Creed or Prince of Persia. Come back and tell us what's the difference.

    Some us have lifestyles in which we are more than content with the entertainment selection on iOS devices-myself included. I don't have time, not desire to invest in playing games over long periods of time in a sedentary fashion. I play a game when want to clear my mind a bit, or kill time. I don't go invest huge amount of money and make that a goal, because frankly Id rather spend my time in a myriad of other ways. The vast majority of the population share my mindset. iOS devices not being 'HARDCORZ' enough is not going to hurt Apple. That market is shrinking, not expanding.

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  • bommai
    Sep 12, 04:30 PM
    Seems to me this could be done without Apple having to open up Front Row. If Elgato added some sort of "export recording to iTunes Video Library" option (that also deletes the original file after export completes), you could have your stuff recording on your mac and ready to stream to iTV. I'd imagine you could also set up some sort of Smart Playlist in iTunes to show unwatched recordings that carries over to the iTV interface.

    I have a Sony HD-DVR I use to pause live HDTV as well as record. While having a Elgato tuner hooked up to the mac and recording programs there and then streaming it to the iTV box is doable, you won't be able to pause live TV. That is the kind of integration Apple needs to bring to the table. Even if they don't want to make this iTV expensive, they should just let you record to your computer from your TV. So the hard drive could be on the computer but the tuner and program selection has to be available on iTV. Almost like VNC.

    Another idea is a DVD drive on iTV. This drive should let users play normal DVD as well as iTunes movies bought DVD. The DRM can be maintained by authenicating against the store when you play. This way, normal people can burn their movie purchases to DVD or keep them in their hard drive. Their choice. They could even let iTunes move the movie to a disk to make room. For example, let us say you run out of HD space on your computer that you use to buy movies. Now you tell iTunes to move a movie to a disk. iTunes guides the user to create a DVD backup. Then it automatically makes space on the HD. However, the iTunes library keeps the information about this movie in its database so that it is available through Frontrow on the Mac itself or another device like iTV. When the user tries to play that movie, it says insert the disk. Now the user can insert the disk into iTV and voila play. This is an ideal balance between DRM, online purchases, data backup, etc.

    Movie studios don't mind because the DVDs created by iTunes 7 will only play on computers or iTV for which the purchase has been authenticated.

    I would assume this box is running an OS smarter than the iPod so it should not be hard to add all these features especially since it is not yet ready!

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  • Peace
    Sep 12, 04:44 PM
    This is the device I said was coming with the exception of the Hard Drive and I bet before it's released it has one.

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  • ThunderSkunk
    May 5, 05:51 PM
    Well I just came across this in the local paper:

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  • joepunk
    Mar 11, 11:17 AM
    From BBC News Live Twitter update thingy (

    1708: Nuclear physicist Dr Walt Patterson tells the BBC it sounds like there is a "serious problem" at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant. "It's the sort of thing that nuclear engineers have nightmares about," he says. "If it is not resolved in the next few hours it will get serious. If the core is uncovered, then those rods at the top may get hot enough to melt themselves."

    1706: The Tokyo Electric Power Company has said the pressure inside the No. 1 reactor at its Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant has been rising, with the risk of a radiation leak, according to the Jiji Press news agency. Tepco planned to take measures to release the pressure, the report added. The reactor's cooling system began to malfunction after the earthquake. People living close to the plant were later evacuated as a precaution.

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  • ratzzo
    Apr 20, 08:45 PM
    I guess, the "learning curve." While the OS can perform the same functions as say, Windows, things may not be where you'd normally look for them as, granted, you're on another platform now. But Apple does great in this sense, by adding a search function to most OS options (System Preferences).

    I guess the other thing you might not like might be the fact that, after switching, you will want (or try) to keep up with Apple yearly hardware updates :p

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  • noahtk
    Apr 9, 04:16 PM
    Pay off Sony for PSP ports!!!

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 23, 07:44 PM
    But this doesn't answer the question at all.

    Apple users question. Atheists/Agnostics question.

    You see a trend yet?

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  • ~loserman~
    Mar 18, 06:19 PM
    Thats hilarious

    I can't think of anything funnier than this except maybe when it happened to Real but then again this is still pretty funny.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 22, 09:02 PM
    Because the concept of earth and life just happening to explode into existence from nothing...

    The Earth coalesced from matter ... not from "nothing".

    Life also originated from matter.

    Where do you get the idea that these two things sprang from nothing?

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  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 9, 09:06 AM
    Naah. That's not it. Try again.

    Um... it is actually.

    Hardcore is defined as the "the most active member of a group or sub-class of individuals" used an an adjective as it is in hardcore gamer that means "the most active gamer".

    Hardcore means the gamers that game the most. If you have a Mac there is a great dictionary app built in.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 12:00 PM
    No but hold on a second. I don't know what scientific evidence has to say about something like morality. It may certainly be that sexuality is immutable. But if you're referring to my quote from the Catechism (and I lost track)... that doesn't say homosexuals are required to change their sexuality.

    Yeah, but it sure says that we won't get far if we act like what we are.

    Again, completely irrelevant, since this is not catholic theocracy, and your book has no bearing on my life. If that's how you choose to believe, fine- but leave me out of it, and stop trying to force us to live by your rules through law. And guess what? We'll get along just fine.

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  • Eidorian
    Oct 26, 10:31 PM

    I hope Apple comes out with a single clovertown chip tower in 07 that runs on cheap standard DDR2 memory and maybe just one optical drive bay. I do like the 4 HD bays though.

    On a side note, the people arguing that 8 cores is just too much power are pretty damn funny. There are thousands of people like multimedia that need more cores. I'm not one of them but at least I understand their need. Some poeple on here are clueless.I don't think Cloverton will run on standard DDR2. Kentsfield sure but doesn't Xeon REQUIRE ECC/FB-DIMM?

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  • zwida
    Oct 25, 10:26 PM
    OK. I know that many of my apps aren't going to take advantage of this level of multithreaded power, but I can't help but get excited by this development. After so many years of sluggish improvement, it feels like we're in the midst of rapid (and radical) change.

    I'm hoping that the 8-core, 3.0 (or faster) GHz MacPro arrives the same day as Leopard and about the same time as CS3. I'd gladly swap my 2.66 GHz quad core...:)

    Oct 9, 03:10 PM
    Originally posted by Cappy
    Faster this, faster that. Software here, software there. Upgrade this, upgrade that. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    I like computers just as much as the next geek but when you break it all down what can't you do with computers and OS's from even 5 years ago that you can today? In truth the only real benefits are that Windows and Mac systems are faster and more stable than they used to be. For Macs to make any inroads more innovation is the key. They cannot compete on price/performance and never will. Moving to x86 could help of course. Note that most people don't buy Macs because of price and not because of performance issues.

    So with this in mind if you set aside the small contingent that truly needs faster Macs for their jobs in professional settings, the Mac really needs lower prices and more innovation. Do that and Apple will have a winner that they would need to open up the clone market again just to be able to make enough of them.

    Frankly this whole benchmark argument is stupid for most of the people here. Benchmarks should be used as nothing more than a guide and you should have multiple sources if you want to base a purchasing decision from them alone. Too many people treat them as the end all be all.

    One point you are missing is that I can upgrade my PC 5 times over and still have the cost be lower than buying a new Mac. So a mac can run modern apps 5 years later. For the same price, I can get a PC, drop a new HD, video card, and CPU in a few years later and then end up with a leading edge PC, and not a bleading edge mac. My B&W G3 isn't even upgradable to the speeds of the current iMacs. With a PC a new mobo and CPU will get me into whatever is the current CPU class....

    Sep 12, 04:24 PM
    It needs DVR recording for this price point. As someone else mentioned earlier, I can use a $5 cable to connect my computer to my TV. It need something else that will make me want to spend the extra $244 on it. Either that, or apple needs to stop touting the iMac as a media PC because the TV will compete with it.

    Oct 25, 10:42 PM
    Well based on nothing really except I've been using apple a long time, worked in their retail stores for a while, and know how they like to be cutting edge (yet dependable and pretty), I'd say count on 8 cores for xmas. Maybe not november, but maybe so. I think the thought alone of HP and Dell releasing prosumer workstations with 8 cores leaving Apple behind when Vista launches is just too much to let slide for Apple.

    Aug 25, 06:23 PM
    Ridiculous number of dropped calls. What a terrible excuse for customer service this was. Whenever I have called them about any other issues, they have been really helpful. When this guy found out I had Iphone4, he acted like he couldn't get me off the phone fast enough. Told me "the phone has problems, get the bumper, have I resolved your issues?"

    My device is quirky. The proximity sensor has a mind of its own, it gets hung up on tasks daily, the reception is terrible. For ME, Iphone4 SUCKS and when people ask me if I recommend it, I'm with CR. Miss my 3gs which my husband is enjoying. Crap.

    I can relate to your frustrations, I've been going through the wringer with AT&T for about a year now . . . Mass dropped calls, poor reception in most areas or no service at all. I made multiple calls to AT&T and a few to Apple. I've been through all of the trouble shooting steps many times, including 2 sim card replacements and 3 iPhone replacements. All this on an iPhone 3 GS! As a last resort I've filed a complaint with the BBB. When my contract runs out in a few months I'll have to jump ship and ditch AT&T, and regretfully abandon the iPhone. If :apple: opens iPhone to other carriers by then I might reconsider. Guess I'll give the Android a look :(



    Why do you stay with ATT?

    Probably, because like me and many others they are locked into a two year contract. Mine can't end fast enough :(

    Sep 20, 09:36 AM
    If I have a mini, couldn't I use it as an iTV with frontrow? Why would I get an iTV when I can get a refirb mini for $200 more, when it can do more?

    Because that ties the computer to your TV (see my post about teetering keyboards above). This way you can have the computer and still display stuff conveniently on the TV, wirelessly.

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